The basics

Purpose and rationale of the website

Website information document (PDF - 0.24 Mb) - An introduction to the ENABLES website, in written format.

Website information in Romanian (PDF - 0.28 Mb) - An introduction to the ENABLES website, in Romanian.

An introduction to the ENABLES website, in illustrated audio format.

Distributed Leadership

Distributed leadership information document (PDF - 0.45 Mb) - An introduction to distributed leadership, in written format.

An introduction to distributed leadership, in illustrated audio format.

A provocation about distributed leadership, in illustrated audio format.

Arts-based embodied methods

Arts-based embodied information document (PDF - 0.31 Mb) - An introduction to arts-based and embodied methods, in written format.

Artsbased methods - a mind map (PDF - 0.39 Mb) - An introduction to arts-based methods as a mind-map.

An introduction to arts-based and embodied methods, in illustrated audio format.