Teaching staff on courses in Physics, Astronomy and Mathematics
Our tutors have a wide range of specialist skills that will contribute towards and enhance your learning - all to help you get the best out of your degree.
Use the drop down options below to see the name of the tutors whose teaching will contribute towards your degree. You can also see the specialist area and access a profile for each member of staff.
- Physics tutors
Name of tutor Specialist area Mr Salah Beddiaf Differential equations Professor Elias Brinks Galaxies Dr Ben Burningham Low-mass stars / Brown dwarfs Dr James Collett Physics / Fluid dynamics Dr Kristen Coppin Submillimetre astrophysics Professor Janet Drew Massive stars / Galactic plane Dr Timothy Gledhill Evolved stars Professor Martin Hardcastle High-energy astrophysics / Statistics Dr Evelyn Hesse Optics / Diffraction Professor Hugh Jones Low-mass stars / Brown dwarfs Dr Steve Kane Numerical algorithms / Differential equations Dr Sugata Kaviraj Galaxies Dr Phil Lucas Low-mass stars Dr Tomasz Lukowski Quantum field theory / String theory Dr Alan McCall Quantum physics / Wave mechanics Professor Detlef Mueller Laser spectroscopy / Atmospheric physics Dr Yann Peresse Algebra Professor David Pinfield Low-mass stars Professor Sean Ryan Nuclear astrophysics / Stellar spectroscopy / Actuarial methods Dr Vidas Regelskis Integrable Quantum Field Theory / Quantum groups Mr Kuldeep Singh Mathematical techniques Dr Dan Smith Dr Warren Stanley Laboratory physics / Light scattering Dr Ole Steuernagel Quantum physics Dr Jason Stevens Active galaxies Dr Charles Strickland-Constable Supergravity / String Theory Dr Charles Young Integrable Quantum Field Theory / Quantum groups - Astronomy tutors
Name of tutor Specialist area Mr Salah Beddiaf Differential equations Professor Elias Brinks Galaxies Dr Ben Burningham Low-mass stars / Brown dwarfs Dr Charles Chemel Fluid dynamics / Atmospheric physics Dr James Collett Physics / Fluid dynamics Dr Kristen Coppin Submillimetre astrophysics Dr Reto Dorizzi Mechanics / Electromagnetism Professor Janet Drew Massive stars / Galactic plane Dr Timothy Gledhill Evolved stars Professor Martin Hardcastle High-energy astrophysics / Statistics Dr Evelyn Hesse Optics / Diffraction Professor Hugh Jones Low-mass stars / Brown dwarfs Dr Steve Kane Numerical algorithms / Differential equations Dr Sugata Kaviraj Galaxies Dr Phil Lucas Low-mass stars Dr Alan McCall Quantum physics / Wave mechanics Professor Detlef Mueller Laser spectroscopy / Atmospheric physics Dr Yann Peresse Algebra Professor David Pinfield Low-mass stars Professor Sean Ryan Nuclear astrophysics / Stellar spectroscopy / Actuarial methods Dr Marc Sarzi Planetary nebulae / Galaxy dynamics Mr Kuldeep Singh Mathematical techniques Dr Dan Smith Dr Warren Stanley Laboratory physics / Light scattering Dr Jason Stevens Active galaxies Dr Mark Thompson Star formation - Mathematics tutors
Name of tutor Specialist area Mr Salah Beddiaf Differential equations Dr Carvalho Algebra / Theoretical computer science Dr Charles Chemel Fluid dynamics / Atmospheric physics Dr James Collett Physics / Fluid dynamics Dr Kristen Coppin Submillimetre astrophysics Dr Reto Dorizzi Mechanics / Electromagnetism Professor Martin Hardcastle High-energy astrophysics / Statistics Professor Hugh Jones Low-mass stars / Brown dwarfs Dr Steve Kane Numerical algorithms / Differential equations Dr Kobayashi Computational astrophysics / High-performance computing Dr Tomasz Lukowski Quantum field theory / String Theory Dr Alan McCall Quantum physics / Wave mechanics Professor Detlef Mueller Laser spectroscopy / Atmospheric physics Dr Napiwotzki Evolved stars / Portfolio management Dr Yann Peresse Algebra Professor David Pinfield Low-mass stars Dr Vidas Regelskis Integrable Quantum field theory / Quantum groups Mrs Carrie Ricketts Actuarial Mathematics Professor Sean Ryan Nuclear astrophysics / Stellar spectroscopy / Actuarial methods Mr Kuldeep Singh Mathematical techniques Dr Dan Smith - Dr Charles Strickland-Constable Supergravity / String Theory Dr Charles Young Integrable Quantum Field Theory / Quantum groups - Financial Mathematics tutors
Name of tutor Specialist area Mr Salah Beddiaf Differential equations Dr Carvalho Algebra / Theoretical computer science Dr Charles Chemel Fluid dynamics / Atmospheric physics Dr James Collett Physics / Fluid dynamics Dr Kristen Coppin Submillimetre astrophysics Emeritus Professor Alan Davies Numerical algorithms / Financial derivatives / Mathematics outreach Dr Reto Dorizzi Mechanics / Electromagnetism Professor Martin Hardcastle High-energy astrophysics / Statistics Professor Hugh Jones Low-mass stars / Brown dwarfs Dr Steve Kane Numerical algorithms / Differential equations Dr Chiaki Kobayashi Computational astrophysics / High-performance computing Dr Alan McCall Quantum physics / Wave mechanics Professor Detlef Mueller Laser spectroscopy / Atmospheric physics Dr Ralf Napiwotzki Evolved stars / Portfolio management Dr Yann Peresse Algebra Professor David Pinfield Low-mass stars Mrs Carrie Ricketts Actuarial Mathematics Professor Sean Ryan Nuclear astrophysics / Stellar spectroscopy / Actuarial methods Mr Kuldeep Singh Mathematical techniques Dr Dan Smith - - Engineering Mathematics tutors
Name of tutor Specialist area Professor Elias Brinks Galaxies Dr Maria-Rosa Cioni Evolved stars in the Local Group of galaxies Dr Kristen Coppin Submillimetre astrophysics Dr Reto Dorizzi Mechanics / Electromagnetism Dr James Geach Sub-millimetre astrophysics Dr Richard Greenaway Scientific computing / Light scattering Professor Martin Hardcastle High-energy astrophysics / Statistics Dr Sugata Kaviraj Galaxies Dr Phil Lucas Low-mass stars Professor David Pinfield Low-mass stars Mrs Carrie Ricketts Actuarial Mathematics Mr Kuldeep Singh Mathematical techniques Dr Chris Stopford Light scattering / Scientific computation