2023 winners and shortlist

Congratulations to our highly commended staff, finalists, and winners in the Vice-Chancellor's Awards 2023.

Academic Staff Member of the Year

Diane Bielik

Diane Bielik

Diane always has student learning and support at the heart of everything she does. She has worked tirelessly to help the Photography course develop, modernise, and change to meet the demands of the industry, and in the 2021-22 academic year the course was named number one in the Guardian’s League Tables for Photography.

Linda Knowles

Linda Knowles

Linda is an exceptional member of the team who constantly thrives to
demonstrate excellent teaching with a clear focus on student learning. She has developed innovative simulation learning that enhances the student experience and professional practice, and introduced peer supported learning where the volunteers develop advanced leadership skills.

Akua Owusu-Nyantakyiwaa

Akua Owusu-Nyantakyiwaa

Akua goes out of her way to remove all kinds of barriers to enhance students' learning by promoting a culture that drives inclusivity and respect among students and staff members. She is a great inspiration to all through her innovative teaching practice and her active support and encouragement of our students.

Business Impact Award

The Knowledge Transfer Partnership Team for Ziath Ltd

The Knowledge Transfer Partnership Team for Ziath Ltd

The initial team who won the first KTP, focused upon the use of barcodes in biosample management that enabled Ziath to provide a premium product to their existing customers and move into other markets. Less than a year later, the company applied for another KTP to work on further disruptors in the sector, which has revolutionised sample storage.

Tara Bishop

Tara Bishop

Tara lives, works and breathes promoting the value of apprenticeships. She has made extraordinary progress in developing staff awareness of the full spectrum of apprenticeship opportunities, increasing numbers within the University as well as making a difference to our local community.

Business Growth and Entrepreneurship Team

Business Growth and Entrepreneurship team

During the last 12 months the team have made a significant and tangible contribution to the development of an entrepreneurial ‘ecosystem’ here at Herts. They have supported sustainable and inclusive economic growth in the region and beyond through delivery of their core programmes, as well as designing and delivering a number of impactful new programmes.

Community Contribution Award

Callum Jackson

Callum Jackson

Despite having an incredibly busy day job, Callum still finds time every month to encourage the wider HR team to contribute to both local and national charities. He also continuously reminds his team to invest in their own wellbeing, and embodies generosity of spirit and optimism of approach.

Dale Murphy and Geri Ward

Dale Murphy and Geri Ward

Dale and Geri worked to procure Government funding of over £250,000 to be used as part of the Safer Streets Campaign, where they put forward a plan to improve the safety and security of the various pedestrian underpasses located throughout the town, providing 2,000 Hollie Guard Plus apps for vulnerable staff and students.

Hertfordshire Symposium on Substance Misuse

Hertfordshire Symposium on Substance Misuse 

The team organised a Symposium that embraced a more 'joined up' approach to drugs services in the county, and strengthened the University's relationships with key local stakeholders, underlining the important role that the University plays as an anchor institution in our community.

Diversity and Inclusion Award

Dr Chris Lloyd

Dr Chris Lloyd

Chris's resilience and doggedness in working to develop an open Black Lives Matter module has been inspiring. He has worked determinedly with teams and individuals across the University to create an exceptional module that seeks to build understanding together. He is also never afraid to speak out to probe and highlight unquestioned biases and deeply ingrained prejudices.

Shonali Devereaux

Shonali Devereaux

Shonali is a shining example of an academic member of staff who is committed to inclusion and equality of opportunity for staff and students. Shonali has been proactive in working with students to reduce the Black Asian Minority Ethnic awarding gap by running focus groups and securing REACH Scholarship Funding for disadvantaged Event Management students.

Student Information Services Team

Student Information Service

Through their relationship with a local FE provider, the team have shone a light on access and inclusion in the workplace, developed an improved understanding of neurodiversity and autism (to better support our student needs) and enabled the young people working with us to develop key transferable skills for the workplace, improving their "work-readiness."

Living the Values

Jessi Gonzalez

Jessi Gonzalez

Jessi supports her team to believe in their own capabilities and inspires them to push beyond. She is one of the kindest and friendliest people, bringing so much radiance to the SU team and beyond. She truly encapsulates what it means to truly live our values while supporting and encourage others to do the same.

Dan Pearce

Dan Pearce

Dan is unswervingly collegiate and collaborative and will regularly explore - and be receptive to - opportunities to work together. His focus is always on what is the greatest benefit to our students, staff and the wider University.

Amanda Thurston

Amanda Thurston

Amanda really is the epitome of the University values. She is always friendly, supportive, and incredibly positive even on the very busy and stressful  days! Colleagues know they can always turn to Amanda for support and guidance, and nothing is ever too much trouble for her.

Manager of the Year

Jess Hart

Jess Hart

Jess’s team regard her as “one of, if not the most exceptional manager” they have had the privilege to work under. She supports everyone in her team to maintain a positive collegiate spirit even throughout the busiest times, and always takes time to compliment individuals on their work and thank them for their contributions.

Dr Howard Ash

Dr Howard Ash

Howard has that exceptional talent as a manager to establish a professional as well as genuine and compassionate rapport with his colleagues. He has a remarkable ability to provide constructive criticism that feels very gentle and very relevant at the same time. He truly is an outstanding role model for his team.

Rocky Garara

Rocky Garara

Rocky consistently demonstrates outstanding leadership and creates a positive work environment for her team. She recognises and rewards the team's strengths, promoting a culture of equality, respect, and inclusion. This not only fosters a positive atmosphere but also motivates her team to perform to the best of their abilities.

Jane Samson

Jane Samson

Jane is a fantastic manager; she is forwardthinking in her approach and very supportive – always checking in with her team, and ensuring she is approachable. She takes time to listen to and support her team with any personal challenges they might be facing, and they say “it is a great comfort to have a manager who is so considerate and understanding.”

Professional Staff Member of the Year

Bella Bullock

Bella Bullock

Bella is a superstar and a credit to the University. She is passionate about inclusion and diversity and takes every opportunity to encourage students to have the confidence to seek support to achieve their dreams. She goes above and beyond to the appreciation of students and supporting staff.

Suzanne Ball

Suzanne Ball

Suzanne is a true professional. She puts students at the heart of all she does, from delivering top notch careers guidance appointments to preparing workshops. As a team member, Suzanne is one of the first people to whom members of the team turn. She always sets herself the highest standards and never fails to achieves them.

Michael Chapman

Michael Chapman

Michael is extremely dedicated to his work; he is passionate about our students having the best experience and promoting all the great opportunities that Careers and Employment have to offer. He often takes on other tasks given to him by managers and works to complete these without complaint.

Lisa Toon

Lisa Toon

Lisa embodies all that is the best of collegiate working at Herts. She consistently provides prompt, high-quality support and information for colleagues not only in her own SBU, but across the University, always bringing a smile and a positive attitude to work.

Researcher of the Year

Professor Naomi Fineberg

Professor Naomi Fineberg

Naomi's knowledge is second-to-none and has been recognised worldwide, with collaborations ranging from Australia, through Europe to the USA, and leadership of numerous national and international groups focused on driving forward research in mental health. She is fierce in her determination to drive forward the development of new treatments for people living with a range of anxiety disorders.

Dr Leanne Calvert

Dr Leanne Calvert

Leanne is a world-leading early-career researcher, recognised by colleagues both within and beyond the UK for the exceptional quality of her groundbreaking research on gender, sexuality and the family in eighteenth-century Ireland. This all directly informs her teaching in the BA History and MA Folklore Studies programmes.

Dr Emma Curtis-Lake

Dr Emma Curtis-Lake

Since being appointed a Webb Fellow, Emma has been helping to put Herts on the map for pioneering astrophysics research, and bringing it to life for the public through media appearances. As well as being a stand-out researcher, her colleagues also commend her for being an absolute pleasure to work with.

Student Experience Award

Careers Coaches

The Career Coaches

The Career Coaches provide peer-to-peer student support, increase student engagement and scale up the University's face-to-face careers support provision across our campuses. They give a professional level of service and are constantly coming up with new ideas to engage students in their career development.



The HertSquad team provide an outstanding service and student experience through the provision of an excellent range of sport, physical activity, and recreation opportunities to both the student and staff community within the University. They work tirelessly to provide our students with a positive experience whatever the enquiry or request.

Student Funding and Financial Support Team

The Student Funding and Financial Support team

The Student Funding and Financial Support team have played a critical role in ensuring that the University's response to supporting students with the cost-of-living crisis meets the need of its student body. As well as setting up three funds, they have also carried out multiple financial capability campaigns to support students with financial education.

Teaching Staff Member of the Year

Bobby Govind Pothabathula

Bobby Govind Pothabathula

Bobby Govind is more than just a teacher: he is a role model,
a confidant, and a friend to all. He is held in exceptionally high regard by his students as he goes above and beyond to ensure that every student feels supported, valued, and motivated to achieve their goals.

Dr Priyanka Roy

Dr Priyanka Roy

Priyanka succeeds at offering leadership, counsel, and assistance to both students and academics, ensuring that the programme runs smoothly, successfully, and productively. She is always willing to assist students with their academics, and fosters a happy, positive and encouraging learning environment.

Dr Maria Braoudaki

Dr Maria Braoudaki

Maria goes above and beyond to ensure her students and tutees get the most out of their university experience. She is caring and passionate about her subject, she makes her classes interesting and easy to engage with, and she always makes time for her students whenever they need her.

Team of the Year

SPECS Proctors

SPECS Proctors

The team provide support to hundreds of students through assisting in the preparation, running, and set down of practical teaching sessions. Their positive and professional attitude always leaves an excellent impression with all they work with, and their smiles and laughter never fails to motivate the wider School.

Children and Young People Team

Children and Young People team

This team lead on the Hertfordshire Holiday Activity Food Programme, which provides access to sport as well as meals for the most vulnerable young people in the county at the time they need it the most. The difference they make in the community is undeniable, and their dedication and hard work is exemplary.

CRIPACC Admin Team

CRIPACC Administration Team

The team are a joy to work with and however many deadlines arrive at short notice and they always respond with a 'can do' attitude, delivering to time and target. Not only that but they make a direct and impactful contribution on how the University is recognised as a leader in research, across the region, nationally and internationally.

Technical Staff Member of the Year

Jack Maw

Jack Maw

Jack has an intrinsic understanding of the needs of both the staff and students in his school. He works hard to achieve the best results, listening to student problems and providing the best solutions. He is a very forward thinking member of the team, always keen to suggest new technologies, and he truly is a credit to the technical team in Creative Arts.

Hannah Fastenbauer

Hannah Fastenbauer

Hannah is a dedicated and invaluable member of the Geography, Environment and Planning technical team who has consistently demonstrated outstanding technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and attention to detail. She is thoroughly dedicated, has an exceptional eye for detail, and is always willing to go the extra mile to help colleagues.

Aiden Bygrave

Aiden Bygrave

Aiden’s contribution demonstrates technical innovation, cross-collegiate cooperation, and bringing learning from difficult  environments into an accessible university environment. His work and positive attitude have made a huge impact on the students studying in Geography and Environmental Sciences.