European Society for Philosophy and Psychology 2017

ESPP logoThe 25th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Philosophy and Psychology will take place at the University of Hertfordshire, de Havilland Campus, 14-17 August  2017.

This conference is dedicated to the memory of Fabian Dorsch, who was Philosophy Programme Chair of the ESPP from 2011 to 2014.

Keynote speakers

  • Susan Gelman (Psychology, Michigan)
  • Elisabeth Pacherie (Philosophy, Institut Jean Nicod, Paris)
  • Liina Pylkkänen (Linguistics and Psychology, NYU)
  • Joseph Raz (Philosophy and Law, Columbia)

Invited symposia

  • Automatic and Executive Control of Action (Organizer: John Michael; Warwick)
  • Intention and Motivation (Organizer: Sarah Paul; Wisconsin)
  • Psychological Essentialism (Organizer: Marjorie Rhodes; NYU)
  • Compositionality (Organizer: Markus Werning; Ruhr University Bochum)

See the full draft programme


  • The early-bird registration deadline is July 14.
  • Early-bird registration for all four days: £260
  • Early-bird registration for students and those who are retired or unemployed: £190
  • Late registration fees: £310/£220

NB - All registration fees include lunch, tea/coffee, and dinner on campus. It is not possible to register for just one day or without meals. Please mention any dietary requirements while registering.

ESPP Membership

Please note that you must be a member of the ESPP in order to attend the conference. One can become a member of the ESPP as part of the online registration for the annual conference. Membership is £25 (£15 for students).

Accommodation & Childcare

Please apply the promotional discount code sbu17 to secure the special conference rate of of £48 (inc. VAT) for bed and breakfast in a single en suite room. Discounted places are limited so it is safer to book early if you can. You may also find rooms on other campuses, but the conference rate will not apply to these.

Childcare facilities are available on our nearby College Lane campus.

We are able to subsidise up to 50% of these childcare costs (depending on uptake) after the event.

Conference Dinner

There will be a conference dinner at 19:30 on August 16, at the nearby Beales Hotel, in the Salisbury Suite. The hotel bar will be open from before. This dinner is now fully-booked.

General aim of the ESPP

The aim of the European Society for Philosophy & Psychology is ‘to promote interaction between philosophers and psychologists on issues of common concern’.

Psychologists, neuroscientists, linguists, computer scientists and biologists are encouraged to report experimental, theoretical and clinical work that they judge to have philosophical significance; and philosophers are encouraged to engage with the fundamental issues addressed by and arising out of such work.

Programme chairs

  • Ian Phillips
  • Hannes Rakoczy
  • Gillian Ramchand
  • Louise Richardson


Conference programme and submission:

Local organisation Constantine Sandis