Theory and modelling

Theoretical modelling

Theoretical modelling is crucial for understanding how the Universe works. Unlike many other physics disciplines, the objects studied in astrophysics are both extremely far away and (usually) evolve over very long timescales. This means we can’t directly experiment with them in a lab, so need analytical and computer models to predict how they look and evolve over cosmic time.

Theoretical models are also essential for helping interpret observational data from telescopes, and tackling fundamental questions such as Where do we come from? What are we made of? Where are we going?

The main theory and modelling research themes at CAR are:

To carry out our modelling work, we have access to a local Linux cluster with ~3000 cores, the national supercomputing facility DiRAC, and the European infrastructure PRACE.

We are one of the core members of the UK nuclear astrophysics consortium BRIDGCE (Chair: Kobayashi).