Lady on a phone

How online study works

Your course will be delivered online via the University's virtual learning environment Canvas.

Canvas provides you with a personalised portal that allows you to access the study material, interact with your tutor and other students on the programme, take part in discussions and in online assessment. It also hosts online study resources such as eBooks and eJournals.


All assessment is based on coursework and online tests. The dates of assignment submission and online tests are fixed. The online tests are available for a fixed period of time, usually to 24-hours to ensure all students can find a convenient opportunity to complete them.

Your work will be marked by a University of Hertfordshire member of academic staff.

You do not need to attend the University during your online study. Our courses are specifically designed to make attending the University unnecessary.

Your degree

The name of your degree will appear on the certificate, e.g. Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computer Science.

Modules may contain the word 'Online' in their title, but the degree title on the certificate does not. You will also receive a transcript showing the modules you have passed, and your grades.

A transcript is an official document that will show your award, your award classification, mode of study and all the modules you have passed along with the grades for each module.

What support will I receive studying online?

Academic support

When completing a distance learning degree with the University of Hertfordshire, you will have access to support and guidance throughout your online course from University tutors and staff.

Programme leader

Responsible for the course overall, you can approach the programme leader throughout your online studies at the University of Hertfordshire.

You would speak to the programme leader about things like:

  • 'Serious Adverse Circumstances' that you feel may affect your performance in the assignment.
  • Requesting an extension on submission of your assignment.

The programme leader's responsibilities are:

  • Monitoring and advising on academic and practice progress.
  • Helping to set individual learning outcomes as necessary.
  • Giving support and guidance when appropriate.
  • Identifying when additional support and guidance on more specialist services is required and helping to arrange it.

Module leader

For each online module you are enrolled onto, you will have a module leader responsible for the academic support for that particular module. For example, you may get in contact with a module leader to seek further information on an assessment or check your understanding on something you've recently learnt.

How support differs for postgraduate students

As a postgraduate student, you have access to support and guidance throughout your studies from a programme leader. As postgraduate study is more advanced however, there is a greater emphasis on independent study. Tutors encourage you to develop your own understanding, reaching your own conclusions and approaches on concepts and theories. This is integral to postgraduate level study learning.

The tutors are involved with our learning and show real concern with any issues the students may have.

Philip Cox

Computer Science online student

Technical support

Once you are a University of Hertfordshire student, you will be able to access technical support for standard hardware and software. Find out more about system requirements for online distance learning.

Administration support

The administration team are here to support you from admission through to graduation and always aim to resolve any problems you may experience as quickly as possible, usually within two working days.

Course schedule

The programme modules have fixed start and end dates. The advantage of this approach is that you will be studying as part of a group of people, all roughly studying the same topics, so you can help and support each other.

The dates of assignment submission and online tests are also fixed. The online tests are available usually to 24-hours to ensure all students can find a convenient opportunity to complete them.

To help you pace your studies we have organised each module into a number of units, and we provide you with a recommended schedule of study. The schedule tells you which units to study each week, but there is no need to log on at specific times (other than for the assessments).

If you follow the recommended schedule, studying at days and times of the week that suit you, then you will be ready for the assessments on the dates that are published in the Module Guide, at the start of each module.


You will be able to take a break from the programme for one or more semesters, depending on module availability - normally up to a year in total.

Course length

Our online courses vary in length depending on subject area and award title.

View course information to find out more.

Average study time

We suggest on average 10-15 hours per week per 15 credit module.


The Award Ceremonies will be held in the months of September and December.

The September Ceremonies will be held at Abbey Church of St Albans and the December Ceremonies will be held at the Weston Auditorium at de Havilland campus.

As an online student you can join our on-campus students to graduate at the Abbey Church of St Albans in September or on campus in December.

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