Fostering community cohesion

We will strengthen and value the diversity of the University and inclusivity of our community.

Chaplaincy services

The Chaplaincy has supported and promoted the ethos of equality, diversity and inclusion throughout its work in the last academic year.

Amongst many projects, Chaplaincy Assistant Joseph Barnes pursued a project on LGBT+ and faith issues, producing posters with support information.

Find out more about the Chaplaincy.

Person holding LGBT lanyard

Staff networks

Staff networks are integral to the University’s governance, to mainstream and embed EDI. They play a key role in promoting an inclusive environment and diverse community, and actively contribute to charter mark work. They also act as a platform for often disadvantaged groups to have a voice within the University.

Group of students in group discussion

The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans + (LGBTQ+) network has two active co-chairs and a deputy chair with 50 members. They also have several members covering representative roles to improve visibility and their work on understanding intersectionality.

Our Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) network has three very active co-chairs with 105 members. It has hosted over 20 events with over 600 attendees. Some of the activities include extensive contribution to Race Equality Charter work and in the Diversifying Leadership Programme (Advance Higher Education).

The Menopause Network (PositivePause) has two active co-chairs and 50 members. It has hosted regular meetings and events with dates set to the end of the year. The network also contributes towards Athena SWAN work and the development of a menopause policy.

Our Working Parents Network (WPN) has a committed chair and 98 members. The network contributes towards Athena SWAN work.

Man sitting in meeting with women

Female in hijab

The Academic Women’s Action Group (AWAG) has an active chair and 56 members. The network hosts regular meetings and events (both University-wide and School specific) and contribute towards Athena SWAN work.

The Network of Women+ Professors (NW+P) has an active chair and 37 members. Termly well-attended meetings contribute towards Athena SWAN work.

In September 2019, the chair delivered a presentation about the NW+P in the panel ‘Supporting Researchers in their Leadership and Career Progression in Academia and Beyond’ at the 2019 Vitae International Researcher Development Conference, Birmingham NEC.

Find out more about the presentation.

Chaired by the Equality Office, the Carers (UHCarers) network has 48 members. The network hosts regular virtual meetings and participates in events. It also contributes towards Athena SWAN work.

The Disability and Wellbeing Network (DAWN) network has two new active co-chairs and 27 members. The network has hosted regular events since lockdown and is engaging staff to improve participation and grow the membership. The network contributes towards Disability Confident work.

Man in wheelchair with carer

Hertfordshire Students’ Union/Equality Office partnership overview

"The Equality Office have made huge strides this year engaging with and supporting students at the University. This has been achieved through various activities and initiatives with Hertfordshire Students’ Union (HSU). The students we support and the Union itself have both benefited from this engagement in a variety of ways.

Our work to date with the Equality Office has been a source of pride for the Union and we’re looking forward to further developing this partnership over the years to make sure our richly diverse student and staff are supported, developed and celebrated."

Rebecca Hobbs, Chief Executive Officer, Hertfordshire Students’ Union

2022/23 staff and student statistics

The Annual Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Report summarises progress made against our Strategic EDI Objective and Charter Marks (last academic year) supported by projects and initiatives undertaken by the EDI Office and teams from across the University.

The reports have been approved by the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Board, the Chief Executive Group and the Board of Governors.