Teacher Subject Specialism Training (TSST)
Our long term CPD programme during 2015–16 helped two schools to successfully deliver their TSST programmes. Working in partnership we provided programmes of training and flexible, bespoke support for physics teachers, including through daytime and twilight CPD and school visits.
TSST teachers need to be confident in their subject knowledge, as well as being mindful of how their students learn – what are the misconceptions likely to be, and what topic specific pedagogical approaches can we use to help address these? Our evidence-based teacher training is explicitly developed with these in mind, making good use of practical work, cutting-edge science, and links to STEM careers.
Our package of support includes:
One-day training session
The one-day session ‘Supporting non-specialist physics teachers’ will cover generic skills for training teachers. It will introduce the website for trainers and the range of sources of resources and support available to schools. Participants will learn about strategies for supporting teachers and developing their subject knowledge and teaching practice.
Please email stem@herts.ac.uk for more information
Resources for participants
On-line, electronic copies of course materials that can be used when training teachers
Website for trainers including:
- Examples schemes of learning for supporting non-specialist teachers
- Full suite of resources covering all major KS3-KS5 topics. Many of these resources have been developed in-house. We have also collated the best available external resources
Guidance documentation to explain the rationale behind the course design, and notes about how to get the most of them, when working with adults
Optional additional school-based support
We will help you to plan your TSST support programme and to design a bespoke scheme of learning that suits your offer.