Biotechnology provides the tools and techniques for modern pharmaceutical research and drug development. Students following the Amgen Biotech Experience (ABE) programme explore the steps involved in creating biotechnology therapies. The programme is designed to inspire interest and develop skills in biotechnology. It provides professional learning opportunities and resources to support teachers, technicians and students in the use of ABE practical kit, resources and curriculum. It includes, free to schools:
CPD for school and college teachers and science technicians
loan of research-grade lab equipment so that students can explore methods that scientists use to create biotechnology medicines
detailed teacher and student guides
hands-on molecular biology student activities matched with key stage 4 and post-16 specifications including GCSE, A level, T level and BTec
practical activities suitable for key stage 3 students
teaching approaches that can help students to understand how biotechnology impacts on people's lives.
The ABE programme is international. Each year more than 90,000 students participate. The University of Hertfordshire coordinates the UK programme. The four UK hubs for professional development and kit loan are located in Cambridge, Hatfield, Hull and Norwich.
Find out what the ABE programme offers for teaching molecular biology and biotechnology, inc free kit loans to participating schools.
The Amgen Biotech Experience (ABE) provides free to schools and colleges: CPD for biology teachers and technicians; loan of research grade lab equipment so that students can carry out practical biotechnology activities; and teaching and learning resources. It is relevent to A level, T level and key stage 4, and is used in some schools with key stage 3 students to introduce molecular biology and practical techniques.
Explore our resources
Log in to view our AMGEN Biotech Experience Resources. Details are given to attendees on training courses.
ABE is expanding to reach an additional 180,000 students across 27 Amgen communities around the world over the next two years, bringing the Amgen Foundation's commitment to the program to $50M+ to date, and the cumulative program reach to 1.2M students globally.
The UK ABE programme is part of a global initiative that provides research-grade equipment loans, curriculum frameworks and training for teachers and technicians that enable students to engage in hands-on biotech experiments that would otherwise remain beyond reach for many schools. The renewed funding commitment also supports new ABE program sites in Brazil, Mexico, and South Africa.
The Amgen Biotech Experience master teacher fellowship grant applications are open for all teachers with three or more years experience in our ABE programme. This is a great opportunity to develop your expertise in an area of personal interest in the biosciences and contribute to the development of ABE programme and resources. For further information including how to apply, view our AMGEN Biotech Experience website.
Deadline for applications is 21st October 2024. If you require any further information, email
Find out about ABE CPD
Our CPD develops participants’ knowledge of biotechnology theory, technical and practical skills, including restriction enzyme digestion, ligation reactions and agarose gel electrophoresis, bacterial transformation, DNA profiling and PCR [polymerase chain reaction]. It is practical – offering first-hand experience of activities that students will undertake, including producing a functional protein from genetically modified bacteria.
Dates of further CPD will be published as soon as scheduled. In the meantime, please contact to request that CPD details and dates are sent to you directly.
Network meetings
Our termly online network meetings are a chance to keep updated about programme developments and share practice and are held via Zoom.
ABE kit loan
Kit loan from the 4 hubs will continue in the 2023-24 academic year for schools where staff have attended ABE training in 2024.
All schools that borrow kit must complete a risk assessment in advance of the loan. Please check current CLEAPSS guidance for updates. Schools that wish to borrow kit, subject to the above, please complete the school planning form for 2024-25 (DOCX - 0.18 Mb)
A signed Health & Safety and Insurance advice form will need to be returned prior to borrowing the kit: H&S and Insurance advice form.
An important reminder that the kit comprises the equipment to run the labs with 12 pairs of students - we assume that your students will work in pairs. We can provide reagents and consumables for you to run the labs multiple times to accommodate more students, however the amount of equipment in the kit does not change.
Find out about LabXchange
LabXchange is a free science education platform, created at Harvard University with support from the Amgen Foundation, that provides a wealth of teaching and learning resources including information, video material, interactive content and lab simulations on topics that include genetics, biochemistry, biotechnology; evaluation; current research; scientific method; and STEM careers.
Schools implement the Amgen Biotech Experience in different ways. We are always delighted to hear about your experiences of ABE and its impact at your school or college.
If you would be willing to share a short case study (500 words and a photograph) of an ABE activity at your school for use on our website, in a future newsletter, or as a basis for discussion then we’d love to hear from you.
Please email It’s really helpful for our centre staff and other schools to hear real-life feedback.
Highlighting ABE impact - about the series, filming guidelines and requirements
What is the series?
The series comprises short films where ABE teachers/students explain their experiences of working with the ABE programme
Filming guidelines
Content should be filmed portrait, using a phone (as you would expect to see content for TikTok & Instagram Reels filmed)
Ensure you are in the middle of the frame and leave space round the edge, in case of needing to crop or zoom in later
Ensure you have good lighting (light comes from behind the camera, directly onto your face)
Ensure the background is quiet and neutral, but it does not have to be plain
Videos should answer the questions using full sentences i.e. “I’ve enjoyed my experience with the Amgen Biotech Experience program because…”
Video responses can be done in multiple takes as we can edit them together. However, please ensure that the whole answer stays under 1 minute
Do not add any graphics to the video or special effects
If language in the video is NOT English, please send an English transcript for captions