Inspiring children to walk in Darwin’s footsteps: finding science in the great outdoors

This exciting project for primary teachers and Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) practitioners will inspire you to take children outdoors and discover the awe and wonder of the natural world in your local environment. Supported by Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust, guidance will be given on how to create your very own ‘thinking path’, just like Darwin. Children will be encouraged to record their discoveries through a celebration of photography and poetry and to support this, teachers will learn from the professional expertise of a wildlife photographer and a senior lecturer in primary English. This project is suitable for a class or whole school focus, promoting wellbeing for both teachers and children through engagement with the great outdoors.


This professional development will help teachers and EYFS practitioners to:

  • use and develop the outdoor environment to promote engagement with the science curriculum including working scientifically
  • incorporate use of photography and poetry to communicate children’s learning through this project
  • consider the benefits of learning outdoors to promote wellbeing
  • be part of a primary network providing support, advice and ideas.

How will you learn?

This programme will be delivered through a combination of face to face and remotely delivered sessions.

Who is it for?

  • primary teachers
  • science subject leaders
  • forest school leaders.


Summer term 2023. Please email us at to register your interest in this project.


£200 per school - this entitles two teachers to participate.

Contact us

To register your interest please email us at