Take a campus and accommodation tour

Explore Herts by taking a campus tour! You'll be shown around by our current students and get the opportunity to:

  • explore some of the key learning zones and recreational areas
  • visit the on-campus accommodation and see the variety of rooms available
  • ask questions and hear about their own experiences of studying at Herts

Which campus should I visit?

You can choose to visit one campus, or why not make an afternoon of your visit and explore both!

Our College Lane Campus is our largest and is home to our health and social work, computer science, engineering, physics, maths and astronomy, art and design, film, music and media, life and medical sciences and humanities subjects. Tours depart from Main Reception and take approximately 1 hour 30 minutes.

de Havilland Campus hosts our business, law, social sciences, education and sport subjects and is also home to the Hertfordshire Sports Village. Tours depart from the Enterprise Hub and take up to an hour.

Just pick the tour date from the booking form below that suits you best. We can't wait to show you around!

Looking for more info?

We've put together some FAQs to help prepare you for your tour!