Cyber psychology and the use of the internet

George Georgiou has led applied and theoretical research exploring the effects of digital technologies (such as smartphones, the internet, and social media) on human thinking and behaviour. This also includes examining the similarities and differences between comparable online and offline behaviour.

Current projects include:

  • Using wearable cameras to support event memory in early-stage Alzheimer’s disease (with Ali Mair & Mike Page)
  • Defining and measuring Problematic Usage of the Internet (‘Internet addiction’)
  • The impact of digital technologies on cognitive processes (e.g. saving enhanced memory & offloading)
  • The use of online social networking & digital technologies, and their relationship with psychological wellbeing
  • The relationship between delayed gratification and digital technology usage
  • Factors related to the experience of Phantom Phone Vibration
  • The impact of environment and embodiment in VR, on psychological processes and behaviour
  • Factors related to Game Transfer Phenomena in video gaming

George has also been involved in projects with the University of Hertfordshire Cyber Security Unit.