Place Based Ageing

Our research focuses on older people with multiple health and social care needs, including the oldest old and those with cognitive impairment and dementia. We lead and collaborate on a programme of multi-disciplinary, externally funded studies on health care provision to older people and their family carers living at home, in care homes and in hospital. This includes how primary health care works with social care and long-term care providers to support this population.

For further information, contact Professor Kathryn AlmackProfessor Claire Goodman

Our activities fall into the following areas:

Older people's health and complex conditions - living well with dementiaAdult social care - living well in the community
Lead: Professor Claire GoodmanLead: Professor Kathryn Almack
Dr Mel Handley
Lisa Irvine
Dr Greg Windle

Kerry Micklewright

Dementia care research

  • Dementia friendly health care and dementia aware communities
  • Dementia and other co morbid health conditions
  • Promoting interdisciplinary working for innovation in dementia care
  • Understanding how to achieve shared decision for people living with dementia
  • Social care needs assessments for people with dementia and their carers

Care home research

  • Supporting integrated working between the NHS and care home providers
  • Supporting palliative and end of life care.
  • Continence care for people living with dementia in care homes.
  • The adoption and use of technology to facilitate residents’ access to health care.
  • Development of a care home  trial repository for  secondary data analysis of social care research priorities
  • Development of a minimum data set for care homes
  • Building research capacity in care homes
  • Medication management and deprescribing initiatives in care homes.

Social care, primary care and community research

  • Developing research capacity in adult social care
  • Use of digital technologies to support older adults living independently
  • Lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) experiences of belonging, community inclusion and loneliness
  • Community based interventions for older people living with pre frailty at home
  • Primary and social care workforce recruitment and retention

End of life care

  • Lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) experiences in later and end of life
  • Compassionate communities
  • Family experiences of death, dying and bereavement