Research with Patient and Public Involvement: a Realist Evaluation
- Determine the variation in types and extent of public involvement in funded research in the areas of diabetes, arthritis, cystic fibrosis, dementia, public health and learning disabilities
- Describe key processes and mechanisms of public involvement in research
- Critically analyse the contextual and temporal dynamics of public involvement in research
- Explore the experience of public involvement in research for the researchers and members of public involved
- Assess the mechanisms which contribute to public involvement being routinely incorporated in the research process
- Evaluate the impact of public involvement on research processes and outcomes
- Identify barriers and enablers to effective public involvement in research
Funder NIHR Health Service and Delivery Research Programme
Timescale 2011-2014
PI; Professor Patricia Wilson, Professor Sally Kendall, Professor Claire Goodman, Dr Elspeth Mathie, Elaine McNeilly, Marion Cowe and Diane Munday (Public Involvement in Research Group).
Collaborating Investigators and Centres: Professor Amanda Howe, Dr Fiona Poland, Julia Keenan – University of East Anglia, Dr Sophie Staniszewska – RCN Research Institute, University of Warwick, Stephen Peckham – London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.