Improving healthcare for people with dementia and comorbidity

The CoDem study

Researchers in the University of Hertfordshire’s Centre for Research in Public Health and Community Care have been looking at ways to improve the organisation and delivery of health care services for people with dementia who also have other medical conditions, such as stroke, diabetes or sight problems.

The findings suggest that people living with dementia may have poorer access to health services than those without dementia. The authors of the report have made a number of recommendations for ways in which the organisation and delivery of health care services for people living with dementia can be improved. These are summarised in the video below.

Findings from the study have informed a recent All Party Parliamentary Group on Dementia and Comorbidity and led to further research around the management of diabetes in people with dementia.

More information

Please contact Professor Frances Bunn if you would like more information.

Twitter: @bunn_f