The NIHR Applied Research Collaboration East of England (ARC-EOE) - research themes
The NIHR ARC East of England, is a five-year collaboration between Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust and the Universities of Cambridge, East Anglia, Hertfordshire and Essex along with other NHS Trusts. It also includes, Local Authorities, Regional Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships (STPs), patient-led organisations, charities, and industry partners across the region. The aim of the ARC is to improve care by undertaking applied research, which supports frontline NHS and Social Care staff to change practice and investigate whether care and treatments are effective and provide good value.
The ARC-EOE has seven themes of which the University of Hertfordshire is leading on three themes.
Research themes and leads
Ageing and Multi-Morbidity: Professor Claire Goodman
The ageing and multi-morbidity theme will focus on improving how people living with complex needs are supported by health and social care to live well. The priority areas for this theme include medicines optimisation for people living with multiple health problems; community engagement and support for people affected by dementia and research in and with care homes.
For further information contact Nicole Darlington
Prevention and Early Detection in Health and Social Care: Professor Wendy Wills
The prevention and early detection theme will work to identify and address ways to support different populations and potentially vulnerable groups to keep healthy and well. It aims to understand how to help key groups to recognise signs of illness or disease and to take action for themselves and others, and to work with local communities and providers to develop and evaluate strategies for early detection and referral to services based on evidence.
For further information contact Dr Claire Thompson
Inclusive involvement in research for practice (IIRP) led health and social care: Dr Elspeth Mathie (UH) & Professor Fiona Poland (UEA)
Research on health and social care should involve patients, service users, carers and members of the public with different experiences. The inclusive involvement in research for practice led health and social care theme aims to find the best ways of doing this. We want to work inclusively with people in communities and will work together (“co-design”) with the public – to design, carry out, share and implement research findings.
For further information contact Dr Elspeth Mathie