Climate and Urban Systems (CUS)

The Climate and Urban Systems (CUS) group applies the challenges of climate change to the urban scale. The Group is concerned with the way cities work and how they can successfully respond to the climate emergency.

Across a range of themes, it explores the implications of urban systems potentials and failures relating to the environment - air, water, soil, materials, ecosystems - and place in terms of housing, food, transport, energy and more. The Group explores how urbanism, architecture, urban design and planning can contribute to mitigation and adaption to make urban systems resilient in the face of rapid change. The Group also deals with urbanism, placemaking and architecture at range of spatial and social scales and explores the climate change mitigation and adaption implications at each of these nesters scales and between them.

Research themes

The Group aims to address research themes, including:

  • food and urbanism
  • healthy placemaking (with a focus in pandemic and other forms of climate emergency resilience)
  • urban analytics
  • technology and urban systems.