Survey Analysis

About the course

This course will cover the skills needed to analyse questionnaire-based surveys, focussing on the practical application of statistical ideas and methods. The software Excel and SPSS will be used to demonstrate the topics covered.

This course is aimed at those who need to analyse the data collected from questionnaire-based surveys. It is the second day of our two-day Survey Design and Analysis course.

The day will cover summarising the results of your survey, presenting the results and undertaking statistical tests. It concentrates on those analyses which are particularly appropriate for the sort of data commonly collected using questionnaires. It covers the following topics.

  • Creating graphs and charts
  • Calculating summary statistics
  • Testing for differences between groups
  • Investigating relationships between variables
  • Fitting regression models
  • The software Excel and SPSS will be used to demonstrate the topics

See our full range of courses (and options for bespoke courses) here or contact the course organiser, Prof Neil Spencer, at

Course fees

This course is currently only available by attending the full two-day Survey Design and Analysis course or dates can be organised if an organisation have a group of people wanting to take this course.