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Practical Dermoscopy

Key information

Course Leader: Kathy Radley

Level: 7

Credits: 30

Mode of delivery: Blended Learning

School: Life & Medical Sciences

Available places: 40


  • 22/05/2025

Fees and Funding


The price quoted above is per 30 credits and relates to students assessed as UK/home self-funded for fee purposes. Prices may differ for students that are assessed as EU ->Here you can find further details along with, costs and when your fees need to be paid. You may be able to obtain a Post Graduate student loan, for which you must sign up for the whole MSc programme and not just individual modules or a Post Graduate Diploma, further details can be found at Master’s Loan

Course Overview

Before an application is made you need to have confirmation of place being available to you, therefore please contact Kathy Radley via email in the first instance - 

This module aims to enable practitioners to use dermoscopic skills to separate benign from malignant skin lesions, facilitating early detection and management of skin cancer. Dermoscopy is an essential tool in the diagnosis and management of skin lesions and specialists involved in assessing pigmented lesions must use dermsocopy as part of their clinical assessment. This module, combines classroom teaching, work based learning and competency based assessment and has been developed to meet the needs of health care professionals involved regularly in the diagnosis and management of skin lesions.

Participants will need previous and ongoing regular access to large numbers of patients with skin lesions and a suitable clinical supervisor who uses dermoscopy regularly in clinical practice. A log diary of a minimum of 50 patients during the study period will form an essential part of the assessment.

These pre-requisites form part of the module entry criteria.



Current clinical experience of a minimum of 1 year full time or equivalent in a clinical setting with access to patients with chronic skin conditions.

·         Registered Health Care Professional                                        

·         Able to attend all the required days of classroom teaching and formal assessment

·         Regular access and exposure to patients with benign and malignant skin lesions in a suitable clinical environment to be able to complete the appropriate log diary and portfolio of cases

·         Previous and ongoing experience in the management and surveillance of a range of skin lesions, including a knowledge of relevant guidance in relation to the management of skin cancer and multi-disciplinary team working

·         The HCP will work in the required clinical environment and, if not already making independent clinical decisions, will be moving towards independent clinical decision making.

Specific Clinical Criteria                                

·         The student will be regularly performing dermoscopic examinations of skin lesions in a supervised clinical learning environment

·         Be able to complete a log diary of 50 cases and a more detailed clinical portfolio of ten cases during the semester of study

·         Be in a position to take/collect their own dermoscopy photographs for the clinical portfolio working either independently or with the medical illustration department in the context of relevant legal frameworks

·         Access to a clinical supervisor that uses dermoscopy on a regular basis and is experienced in its use in the diagnosis of skin lesions; usually a dermatologist working in a specialist setting



Dermoscopy Clinical Portfolio - 100%

Practical OSCE - Interpretation of dermoscopic images - Pass/Fail


PD Flier