Value for money

Value for money Icon - 50 percent

Of our budget is spent on our diverse team of tutors, support staff and professional staff

Value for money Icon - 30 percent

Of our budget is spent running our facilities and buildings on campus

At the University of Hertfordshire, we are continually investing so that we can provide the best experience possible for our students. By investing in our staff, buildings, and facilities on campus, we are improving teaching outcomes and providing positive employment opportunities for our students.

Over the past few years, we’ve invested in important facilities such as our innovative Learning  Resources Centres (LRCs) which are open 24/7 for when our students need to use them. We’ve also invested in a state-of-the-art Enterprise Hub where local businesses, staff and students can work collaboratively on exciting enterprise ideas and projects, and in our world-class Institute of Sport which provides students with the opportunity to get hands-on experience with industry standard kit.

Looking ahead to 2024, we’ll be opening our new School of Physics, Engineering and Computer Science building which will be versatile, multi-purpose and flexible providing the space needed to work effectively with cutting-edge tools and facilities for students, staff and businesses.

It’s important that students feel part of the Herts community and can easily access the development and support that they may need. Which is why we are also continuing to invest in providing work placements and study abroad opportunities, wellbeing and health services, and social and sporting clubs and activities. Our investment has a big impact on our students’ experiences at university and helps to prepare them for life after Herts. Read from one of our students below, who took part, and competed in, one of our sporting clubs – HertSquad.

Initially, I found the HertSquad Campus Netball League a great way to meet like-minded students and form friendships that have lasted the duration of my time at University. It also proved a great way to incorporate exercise into my busy schedule and find release from my intense course. It's allowed me to clearly track my progression as a sportsperson, which in turn has made me a much more driven and motivated individual.

University of Hertfordshire student

View our tabbed content below to explore in more detail where the University’s money comes from and how we spend our money. You can also read our 2020-25 value for money strategy.

Where the University’s money comes from

Tuition fees and education contracts69.3%
Funding body grants6.5%
Research grants and contracts2.9%
Other income19.2%
Investment income1.8%
Donations and endowments0.3%

How we spend our money

Staff costsTotalRunning costsTotal
School support3.0%Library and IT supplies3.0%
Research2.0%Housing and maintenance9.0%
Support2.0%UNO Bus0.0%
Professional and business17.0%Other and interest10.0%