If a student has not paid the applicable instalment of their tuition fees within 28 days of the liability date, or has not made alternative arrangements which are acceptable to the University, the University may do one or more of the following:-
- withdraw the facilities of StudyNet and Canvas, which will prevent the student from accessing StudyNet/Canvas material, submitting assignments or registering for award ceremonies
- withdraw you from your course
- bar the student from registering to study in future years
- bar the student from attending their graduation ceremony
- refuse to confer a University award
- not examine research students and require them to leave the research programme.
The University may also take more formal steps to recover any unpaid tuition fees, such as engaging a debt collection agency and/or commencing legal proceedings. If it does so, the University reserves the right to require the student to pay in addition any costs and expenses (including legal costs) reasonably incurred by the University in recovering the unpaid sums.
The University will withhold examination results from students in debt, but may issue such results in non-standard format to enable students to undertake any referred/deferred assessment. The University will not normally bar the student from attending resit examinations, provided that arrangements have been made with Student Finance to pay the fee or other debt.
Students who have withdrawn or applied to suspend their studies will still be contacted to pay any outstanding debt. Students will not be entitled to resume their studies or register to study a new course until all outstanding debt has been cleared in full.