AHRC Impact Acceleration Account

The University of Hertfordshire was awarded a £450,000 Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) to deliver a 3-year programme of impact activities, starting in March 2022.

The AHRC Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) will enable a transformational step change in our research activities by unlocking major areas of impact potential.

It aims to improve and accelerate the impact of our research among non-academic audiences and communities, by increasing the scale, diversity, ambition and agility of our impact and knowledge-exchange activities, developing our work with new and existing user groups and communities, and translating our arts and humanities research into real-world benefit.

The AHRC Impact Acceleration Account welcomes applications from all academic staff at the University of Hertfordshire whose work falls within the arts and humanities remit, as well as those involved in cross-disciplinary research with an Arts and Humanities component.

For more information about the University of Hertfordshire AHRC IAA please contact: iaa@herts.ac.uk