Face biometrics - A tool for identity authentication as well as an approach to privacy protection
Project synopsis
Face biometrics has been used intensively as a tool to identify individuals. However, this has ignited concerns about the individual(s) identifiable in a recording.
The University of Hertfordshire team has carried out research work in:
- face recognition for security control (a three-year Knowledge Transfer Partnership project of £195k with IDscan Biometrics Ltd).
- face de-identification for privacy protection (as part of the European COST Action IC1206, where our unique system is able to reduce the re-identification risk of the de-identified faces to nearly zero).
Achievements so far
- Six peer-reviewed research papers published
- A patent application submitted and entered the second stage
- A KTP project sponsored by Innovative UK
- Management Committee Members of COST Action IC1206
- Committee Members of the JPEG IST/37 (where a new activity ‘Privacy and Security’ was launched in Sept 2015).
More information
Please contact Lily Meng if you have any queries or would like to find out more about the face biometrics project.