Managing Complex Change
The University of Hertfordshire has been ranked 1st in the Postgraduate Research Experience Survey 2019 for overall research student satisfaction for Business and Economics research degree programmes. Source: 2019 Postgraduate Research Student Experience Survey.
Managing complex change is a multi-disciplinary research group at the Hertfordshire Business School, which is interested in how organisations change, or why they stay the same, and how we might manage organisations and what they produce sustainably.
Members of the group take a practical, theoretical and critical interest in managing the complexities of change, and more generally in the emergence of novelty. Researchers aim to deepen understanding of the effects of novelty and change, and the consequences for society, for organisations and their stakeholders, and for ordinary citizens, and policy makers.
Key themes
Our key research themes are as follows:
- Leading and managing in practice in different sectors – focusing on the practice of leadership and management in complex environments, and the extent to which it is possible to predict and plan the futures we desire.
- Innovation, particularly the adoption, use, diffusion, evaluation and use of information technology and its social consequences.
- Entrepreneurship – the possibilities and limits of planning to be entrepreneurial in start-up, micro, small firms and large, in the private and not-for-profit sectors. To develop an understanding of entrepreneurial learning and skills development in individuals, teams, organisations and clusters.
- The emergence of new knowledge and ways of learning alongside the persistence of more traditional perspectives – the role of networks, online collaboration as well as forms of resistance to the new.
- Developing management models to aid organisations, particularly cash-starved organisations like the NHS, to manage their resources more efficiently and effectively.
- Developing business models to encourage organisations and citizens to be more sustainable, recycle and refurbish.
Our work
Modelling techniques in healthcare management
Dr Eren Demir and Dr Reda Lebcir, both Readers at Hertfordshire Business School, are involved in the use of modelling techniques in healthcare management, and the development of tools that can aid healthcare decision-making. They have been developing healthcare models in the form of simulation, statistical modelling, health economics and big data analytics.
The goal is to assist key decision makers (such as health policy makers, service managers and consultants) achieve the most efficient and effective delivery of high-quality care to patients. Eren and Reda have developed many models for a wide range of diseases, e.g., mental health, ophthalmology (cataract and retinal services), Parkinson’s disease, TB/HIV, antimicrobial resistance, acute services, and neonatal care.
Find out more about their findings.
Let’s Be a Community: Enhancing Treatment and Wellbeing of Patients with Parkinson’s Disease Through Community Service
Information systems and the Third Age
Professor Jyoti Choudrie’s research explores the role of digital skills in innovative internet-enabled products and services which impact organisations and society. She has particularly focused on how to include older adults in the use of digital devices to enable their greater inclusion in society.
To identify how the digital skills can be obtained, Jyoti has been training older adults in Southall where she discovered that with one-to-one instructional approaches, their self-confidence can increase. Younger adults can adopt digital skills quite rapidly by observing or in a group like setting. Professor Choudrie has been working with Age (UK) Herts, the University of the Third Age and University of Hertfordshire.
Business Models for a Circular Economy
Maurizio Catulli has carried out action-research to test whether it is possible to create new products and services using fewer resources. With his co-researchers he designed a pilot project to lease infant strollers and car seats and gauge consumer response. A central aspect of the project was to measure environmental, resource efficiency and social benefits and this was done by performing a simplified Life Cycle Analysis (LCA).
On the basis of the research Maurizio has managed to demonstrate that refurbishing and leasing second hand car seats is economically and environmentally viable, while doing the same for strollers is not. The research has been of benefit to parents, manufacturers and the the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA).
Multilevel modelling
Dr Neil Spencer is conducting research into the effect that geographical clustering of data has on the analysis of labour force data collated by Eurostat from EU member states and other countries in Europe. Multilevel modelling is often used to analyse these data, taking account of the fact that they have been collected from different countries. However, information available on the region in which the respondent lives or works is often ignored. This research aims to investigate the impact of this on analyses and provide guidance for researchers operating in this area.
Student | Research project title | Qualification |
Zeshan Ahmer | Diffusion of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems: A Case Study of Higher Education Institutions in Pakistan. | PhD |
Ali Salim Rashid Al Bulushi | Explaining and Understanding The Use of Online Social Networks (OSN) in Public Sector Organisations in a Developing Country. | PhD |
Fahima Alam | The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on digital marketing in creating competitive advantage. | PhD |
Fahima Rubayet Alan | Artificial Intelligence and Digital Marketing. | PhD |
Adel Abdulmhsen Alfalah | Older Adults in Households and e-Government Services in Saudi Arabia, Hail City: A Digital Divide Study of Adoption, Use and Diffusion. | PhD |
Stephen Charles Arnold | Decision Making at Work. | DMan |
Maj Karin Askeland | The Coach and the Facilitator; Exploring the Effects of Power on the Ability ot Reason and Act With Integrity. | DMan |
Tal Avigdor | Reflecting on My Pratice of Talent Management: Linking Belonging, Power and Recognition - Progression Report. | DMan |
Roma Bhowmick | Strategic Impact of Networking: The Case of UK’s High Growth SMEs. | DBA |
Kursad Bilgili | Comparison of Discrete Event Simulation (DES) and System Dynamic (SD) Simulation in Application of Patient with Diabetes Treatment Pathway on Hospital Settings. | PhD |
Carla Ruth Blackadder | Complexity of HR Practice. | DMan |
Stefan Boller | The paradox of group membership: Making a difference but conforming to the group both at the same time as a serial entrepreneur. | DMan |
Gur Mordechay Braslavi | Exploring Processes of Burn Out and Renewal Through the Practice of an Israeli Business Owner in the Communication Industry. | DMan |
Katie Burke | Co-Creation and Co-Destruction of value at music festivals: A Practice Theory Approach. | PhD |
Shoshana Camchy | Complexity of HR Practice. | DMan |
Jenifer Suzanne Carmichael | Project Management. | DMan |
Carolina Fabiana Castro Rodriguez | Rethinking Technostress in Organisations: Understanding and Exploring Individual Insights into their Interplay with ICTs. | PhD |
Kiran Chauhan | Strategy development in the NHS – silencing and being silenced. | DMan |
Chikelue Junior Chike-obuekwe | Identifying, Explaining and Understanding the Adoption, Use and Diffusion of Online Social Networks (OSNs) (Facebook and Twitter) Within the Older Adult's Population Within UK. | PhD |
Graham Curtis | Organisational Collusion: A Response to Uncertainty. | DMan |
Emma Jane Elkington | Complexity and Consultancy. | DMan |
Sara Filbee | Voices from the Margins: Influencing Decision-Making in the Canadian Federal Government as a Senior Manager Based in Regional Operations. | DMan |
Dammon Ghanizadeh | Exploring and understanding the adoption and use of online social networks in organisations: a qualitative study. | PhD |
Michal Goldstein | Change Processes in Tech start up in Israel. | DMan |
Christian Gonner | The Paradoxes of Project and Change Management - a Project Management Consultant's Inquiry Into the Social Reality of Technology-Driven Change Projects. | DMan |
Sally-Ann Goold | Choosing Geographic Scales for the Analysis of Labour Market and Related Statistics. | PhD |
Ann Judith Holness | Policymaking for Childhood Obesity in the UK: A System Dynamics Approach. | PhD |
Sally Anne Hopper | HR Practice in Local Authorities in the UK. | DMan |
Hajire Hyseni | Improving e-Commerce Conversion Rate: Consumer Journey Perspective. | PhD |
Karina Solso Iversen | Reflexive Inquiry in Organisational Consulting. | DMan |
Leif Iversen | Exploring the Nature of Leadership in the Face of Uncertainty and 'Stuckness' in my Profession as a Consultant and Project Manager. | DMan |
Philip Leslie James | Change Processes in a Accreditation Agency. | DMan |
Sune Bjorn Larsen | Consultancy and Complexity. | DMan |
Matthieu Leclerc-Chalvet | Variations in the Uptake of Innovative Medical Technologies in UK firms. | PhD |
Disraeli Luiz Brito Machado | Strategy in Disruptive Industries. | DMan |
Robbert Masselink | Collaboration: The Client-Consultant Relationship as Embodied Moral Practice. | DMan |
Mohieddine Messousi | The Role of Collaborative Partnership with Business Clients in the Telecommunication Service. | DBA |
Sharon Moshayof | A Shifting Experience of Rules, Power and Recognition in Transition From Internal Leader to External Consultant. | DMan |
Uche Nnene | Mobile Commerce Innovation: A case for retail adoption and consumer acceptance in Nigeria. | DBA |
Ukamaka Chikaodili Nwanekezie | Examining Older Adults Online Communication With Local Government; A Hertfordshire Case Study. | PhD |
Uchenna Valentina Ojiako | Assessing the Behavioural Intentions of Older Adults Towards Internet Service Providers: A UK Perspective. | PhD |
Muhammed Ordu | Demand and Capacity Modelling of Acute Services Using Simulation and Optimisation Techniques. | PhD |
Klas Orsvärn | Co-operation and competition from the perspective of a founder Board member in an IT company. | DMan |
Amanda Relph | The Impact of Higher Education Performance Evaluation Frameworks on University Decision Making: A Systems Thinking Approach. | DBA |
Matthew Henry Robins Rich | Complexity and Management in Higher Education. | DMan |
Nama Sidi | Consultancy Practice. | DMan |
Soren Skov | Organisational Consultancy. | DMan |
Deborah Caroline Smart | Questioning Norms: The Role of Improvisation in Consulting to UK Public Sector Organisations on Processes of Change. | DMan |
Rikke Horup Sorensen | Change processes in a University. | DMan |
Helle Therkelsen Stoltz | The Complexity of Project Management in an Aid Domain. | DMan |
Tibor Voros | ICT and Uncertainty Avoidance: Using an Uncertain Metric. | PhD |
Sophie Wong | “Do I dare/Disturb the universe?” Learning the Game of Governance in an Australian Mental Health Non-Governmental Organization (NGO). | DMan |
Usame Yakutcan | Enabling Better Management of COPD Patients: Discrete Event Simulation Combined with Predictive Analytics. | PhD |