The University of Hertfordshire is a leader in survey astronomy at radio, submillimetre, near-infrared and optical wavelengths.

Among the major surveys of the past, present and future, there are primary ones in which we have significant involvement:
- VMC (ESO public survey of the Magellanic Clouds, PI Cioni)
- IPHAS (Hα survey of the Northern Galactic Plane, PI Drew)
- VPHAS+ survey (ESO public survey of the Southern Galactic plane, PI Drew)
- VVV and VVVX survey (ESO public time domain surveys of the southern Milky Way: co-PI
Lucas) - UKIDSS Galactic Plane Survey (PI Lucas)
- H-ATLAS and HERMES wide/deep extragalactic surveys with Herschel
- MSSS (LOFAR shallow all-sky survey)
- JWST Advanced Deep Extragalactic Survey (JADES)
- Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST)
- LOFAR Surveys KSP (LOFAR deep/wide surveys)
- e-MERLIN Jets Legacy project (co-PI Hardcastle)
- WEAVE-LOFAR (team lead Smith)
- SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy survey (S2CLS)
- SCUBA-2 Large eXtragalactic Survey (S2LXS, co-PI Geach)
- mJy Imaging VLBA Exploration (mJIVE-20) survey
- HST Wide Field Camera 3 Early-Release Science programme
- Cosmic Assembly Near-Infrared Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey (CANDELS)
- Evolutionary Map of the Universe (EMU) survey with ASKAP
- Polarisation Sky Survey of the Universe’s Magnetism (POSSUM) with ASKAP
- MeerGAL survey of the Galactic plane with MeerKAT (co-PI Thompson)
- MIGHTEE extragalactic survey with MeerKAT
- VIDEO VISTA survey
The science focus of the surveys we lead range from searches for exo-planets through comprehensive surveys of the Milky Way, out to an in-depth study of the Magellanic Clouds and beyond to high-redshift extragalactic work.

Illustration of the public surveys being conducted with VISTA and VST in Chile. CAR staff have lead roles in three of these surveys (VMC, VPHAS+ and VVV - see below), and have significant involvement in VIDEO, VIKING and VHS. Also shown in the northern hemisphere are UKIDSS/GPS and IPHAS, which we lead. Right - the VISTA telescope at Paranal in Chile.