Atmospheric Composition Laboratory (ACL)

The Atmospheric Composition Laboratory (ACL) offers specialist analytical services for air quality and environmental samples, and has a strong background in air quality research and source apportionment campaigns.

Our state of the art laboratory offers a range of analytical techniques, including:

The laboratory is run by research scientists who take pride and ownership over their work and it is run at a very high analytical standard.

The Atmospheric Composition Laboratory uses a LIMS (Laboratory Information Management System) for sample tracking. Each sample is registered with a unique code as it enters the lab and every action performed against that sample is recorded.

This enhanced traceability ensures peace of mind for the customer. Other benefits include quicker turnaround times and data backups.

Our collaborators

We have collaborated with universities and organisations all over Europe, including:

  • Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO)
  • Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), Greece
  • Finish Meteorological Institute (FMI)
  • Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI)

Get in touch

For more information about the Atmospheric Composition Laboratory, please send us an email.