Digital Capabilities

Love it or loathe it, technology is an essential part of our personal, professional and academic lives. As part of our vision to transform lives, the University is committed to supporting the development of digital skills across its entire community of staff and students. The aim is to help us all make better use of the technologies available to us, in a world which constantly challenges us to remain digitally capable.

The Jisc Discovery Tool

The University has adopted the Jisc Discovery Tool, an online self-assessment tool that allows learners, teachers and professional staff  to rate their abilities across six areas of digital capability as follows:

  1. Digital proficiency and productivity
  2. Digital creation, problem-solving and innovation
  3. Digital learning and development
  4. Digital identity and wellbeing
  5. Information, data and media literacies
  6. Digital communication, collaboration and participation

Having competed a self-assessment, the discovery tool will suggest some  learning resources to help users get started on their digital skills development journey. To find out more take a look at the Digital Skills and Capabilities page on HertsHub and out information about Digital Skills Week.

Building digital capabilities: the six elements defined by Jisc