Neofytos - My week at a glance
Neofytos blog headline
My week at a glance.
My week starts by attending to my studio space, which it is a corner made up of three big whiteboards, a locker to secure my belongings and a table to work on. I personally love that space! It always makes me feel good! Having this area to work and do research for projects that I have been given, make me feel focused and productive.
On Tuesdays I have a lecture which is about two or two and a half hours, depending on how much we need to cover. In our lecture, we talk about theories that could be beneficial to our artistic perspective, but we also use this time to talk about anything that involves group assignments and projects.
Wednesdays for me only consist of an hour of optional art talks. During these talks, we have the chance to attend a seminar where artists are presenting their work to us! That's an amazing way to be provided with an insight into how the industry works and be prepared for our working lives after graduation.
Lastly, we have our optional life drawing sessions which run every Thursday's afternoon is a great chance to have a little break from spending most of your time in your studio space working on your projects. Going to the life drawing session I have the great chance to see the human figure, as well as being given the fantastic opportunity to draw models.
As for Friday, I have nothing booked on, so I can spend most of my time in my studio space working on my projects without getting distracted!
I love my routine at university, it gives me both the time to work on my projects thus attend and organise sessions and group works.