Guide to the mathematics facilities
There are a few key facilities for our Mathematics course at Herts
The first thing that comes to mind is our lecture rooms and classrooms. Simple I know but not are they just for our lectures and tutorials, if they are empty most of the rooms are available for you to use as a study space or if you have a group of friends you can study together and share ideas on the screen or the whiteboards.
We also have some designated learning zones which you can use to study. These are dotted all over campus.
The key facilities are our high specification PC Labs. Used by all students for Python, R, and MATLAB just to name a few software we use. These labs are open from around 8 am to 8 pm within the main buildings.
We also have our Learning Resource Centre (LRC for short). Here are all the key study spaces from single study rooms to group study rooms and computers. The LRC has practically everything you could need to study. It's open 24/7 so whether an early bird or a night owl it's open for those brain waves whenever they may come.
The LRC is also home to our Maths Support Service. This is a small team of people on a rota that sets up in a specific spot in the LRC to help with any maths problem you may have they can help.