Hannah Thompson - Week at a glance
Hi everyone! My name is Hannah, I am a second year Business Management, student here at Herts. I have created this blog to give you a snippet of what I do as a student here. So far, I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at this University, and wish to share some of my experiences with you! 😊
To start the week - Monday:
My Mondays begin by getting the free shuttle bus, from College lane to the De Havilland campus. On arrival, I head to my 11am Consumer Behaviour lecture. After the lesson, I leave De Havilland, as my next class is not until 5pm. After arriving back onto College Lane, I have lunch, then walk down to the Learning Resources Centre (LRC), to prepare for upcoming lessons. At around 4:30pm, the shuttle bus takes me back to De Havilland in time for my final lecture of the day. Finally, to unwind I often attend a yoga session at 7pm, in the Oval Flexi Space.
On Tuesdays, I have no lectures. This gives me to opportunity to attend a Pure Stretch and Zumba session, in the Oval Flexi Space from 12pm-2pm. Later in the afternoon, I usually get the shuttle bus, or walk to the Galleria. The variety of shops and restaurants makes this time enjoyable. Finally, from 6pm-7:15pm I attend a free beginner Rollerskating session on the MUGA, at College Lane. The session allows me to meet new people, get outdoors and gather with friends.
On Wednesdays, again, I do not have any lectures. So, I do my food shopping at the Tesco Express, which is a five-minute walk from the College Lane campus. Then, later in the evening I take the opportunity to book study rooms in the LRC with my classmates.
As many of my modules contain group projects, it is important to familiarise myself with the people in my classes. If I have free time in the evening, I either attend a Softball or Rollerskating session from 7pm in the Oval 3G or MUGA.
Thursdays are my busiest day of the week, as I have four lessons to attend. Before this time, I prepare breakfast before heading to the De Havilland campus, for my 10am Mobile Business Technologies tutorial. Following this, I enjoy an hour break with friends from class. Afterwards, my Business Operations and Financial Management tutorial commences from 12pm-2pm. After spending another hour break in the Enterprise Hub, I attend my final lesson of the day. Long after retuning back to College Lane, at around 9pm, I meet with friends inside the Spalding Court common room. We often play pool, table tennis or study together.
Finally, it’s Friday! 🎈 I have two lectures to attend. The first is a Financial Management lesson from 11am-12pm, followed by a two hour break. Meanwhile, I often head down to the Enterprise Hub. The spacious environment gives me the chance to relax, or catch up with work in preparation for the following lecture. The Enterprise Hub is also where I treat myself to a caramel frappe, or a snack from Starbucks. When my break is over, I go to my Business Operations lecture from 2pm-3pm.
I hope this has given you some insight into life at University. Remember - although it is easy to get overwhelmed with a fast-paced schedule and upcoming deadlines, maintaining a healthy work/life balance is essential. Take care of your wellbeing by doing the activities you enjoy, and always reach out if you need help! 😊 H.