Procurement Information

University procurement follows one of two pathways: (1) collaborative procurement (through regional HE purchasing consortia); or (2) in-house tendering and contracting.

  1. The University is a member of the Southern Universities Purchasing Consortium (SUPC). Further details on this consortium available
  2. University contract and tender information is available at our University of Hertfordshire Electronic Tendering Site.

Responsible Procurement

Due diligence is undertaken during procurement processes to ensure economic, environmental and social matters are considered in addition to regulatory compliance.

Further information can be found about:

If wishing to contact procurement to bring to our attention any matter which may not be in line with our values please email

Procurement Strategy


This document sets out the procurement strategy following consideration of all of the options, and their relative benefits and risks. The strategy is based on implementing the UH Sustainable Purchasing Policy and achieving best practice procurement values with synergy to the University vision of ‘transforming lives’ through employability, enterprise and business partnerships and the key strategic objectives in the strategic plan 2020-2025.


To demonstrate continuous improvement and the achievement of Value for Money through the effective procurement of goods and services to ensure that the institutions needs are met with alignment to University policies and strategies.To add value to tenders, contracts and purchases to ensure maximum outputs and ‘best in breed’ solutions achieved.

To have a clear framework of accountability and responsibility that adopts legally compliant, best practice procurement procedures and techniques.

To encourage communication and interaction with markets, contractors and stakeholders.

To achieve the best permissible position in the Procurement Maturity Assessment (PMA+) and embed Responsible Procurement encompassing Economic, Environmental and Social considerations into procurement processes.

To work towards embedding the Sustainable Development Goals 8, 9 and 12 in our approach to Responsible Procurement and supply chain sustainability, making global goals local business through the extension of the University’s operations, products and services, to better serve our needs both today and in the future.

SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

SDG 9: Industry Innovation and Infrastructure

SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

Effective procurement triangle

Procurement triangle


The areas where procurement shall assist the University key strategic objectives are: