
Much of the equipment at the Bayfordbury Observatory has been donated, purchased or part-funded by gifts. We would be very grateful for any donation to the Observatory to help fund our work.

We have a wide range of current and planned activities and would be very pleased to discuss how a donation might be used.

Donations may be sent to:

Development Team
MacLaurin Building
University of Hertfordshire
Hatfield AL10 9AB

or can be paid straight into the University's Charitable Trust bank account.

Name: University of Hertfordshire Charitable Trust
Bank: Barclays
Sort Code: 20 74 09
Account No: 10270849

In this case please also send an email to the Observatory Director to ensure that the donation is properly credited to Bayfordbury.

If the donor is happy to receive further information from the University's Development Team and a thank you letter then please include contact details. We would be delighted to include them in our stewardship programme (receiving the donor report, invites to events etc.).