Functional therapy and biomechanics

Our clinical research focuses on the biomechanics of ankle sprain, which is the most common injury in sport.

We examine the mechanism of injury, treatment and rehabilitation of ankle sprains, with a view to reducing the incidence and recurrence of the injury.

Our sports-specific research focuses on the biomechanics of fencing and gender differences on jump landing.

Areas of research

  • Biomechanics of the Dynamic Defence Mechanism
  • Biomechanics of athletic taping and footwear
  • Biomechanics of fencing movement
  • Biomechanics of postural control and landing stability
  • Isokinetic dynamometry
  • Force and pressure during gait and landing tasks

Recent and current projects

  • The effects of load position and gender on jump landings
  • Influence of minimalist footwear on knee and ankle loads during the squash lunge
  • Gender differences in patellofemoral load during the epee fencing lunge
  • A three-dimensional biomechanical analysis of a simulated ankle sprain during static and dynamic activity
  • Influence of surface on impact shock experienced during a fencing lunge
  • The effect of cervical spine manual mobilisations on pain pressure thresholds and upper limb neurodynamics
  • Upper limb neurodynamics, lower limb neurodynamics and behavioural change techniques in knee and hip osteoarthritis patients


We currently collaborate with several Universities including the University of Birmingham, the University of Central Lancashire, Middlesex University, and Staffordshire University.

Contact Dr Andrew Greenhalgh for more information on functional therapy and biomechanics.