College Lane Map

Please see below for a map of College Lane showing where to go for your pre-ceremony graduation activities:

College Lane Map

1 … Arrive to campus at the Bus Interchange outside the Forum.

2 … Make your way to the Tickets and Robing Marquee to collect your and your guests’ tickets and your graduate robes.

3 … Have your professional graduate photos taken in the Prince Edward Hall. You can have photos taken independently as well as with your friends and family.

4 … Join us in the Refreshments Marquee for a celebratory drinks reception before your ceremony.

5 … In the Chapman Lounge you can grab a drink from CafĂ© Rore and watch ceremonies on the big screens. Guests who do not have a ticket to enter St Albans Cathedral for the ceremony, can stay here to watch the livestream.

6 … Finally, you can hop on a free shuttle from College Lane to St Albans Cathedral for your ceremony. Remember to leave plenty of time so you don’t risk missing out. When you come back after your ceremony, your free shuttle will drop you here too. Alternatively, you can make your own way to St Albans.