Pre-Sessional English (Standard Route) (Online)

About the course

How is Pre-sessional English taught?

The Pre-sessional English courses are taught through online face to face classes and through compulsory self-directed learning for at least 15 hours a week. This course is flexible to allow you to find a routine that works for you. Self-directed learning may include self-study, homework, or preparation for assignments.

We maintain small class sizes with around 10-14 students. Your online lessons will be interactive and will work on the academic language and skills you need to progress on to your degree course. The lessons will be taught by experienced English teachers who will help guide you through the lessons and the assessments. You will also attend tutorials with your teachers each week for additional support.

As the course is online, there is more emphasis on independent study and there is a focus on developing your planning and time management skills. Your learning will also be developed through group work as well as individual work to reflect the kinds of learning you will encounter on your degree course.

How will I be assessed?

There are a variety of assessments methods that will be used to assess your academic writing, listening skills, speaking skills, and academic reading. The assessments take place regularly throughout the course to give you the opportunity to show your progress and reflect on how to improve your learning. You will need to achieve an overall pass in the course in order to progress directly on to your degree course.

Will I receive feedback and support?

Your tutors will give you regular feedback on your progress throughout the programme as well as provide any additional support you might need. You will also be able to ask questions or raise issues during your weekly tutorials.

Staff will be available to support you with solving technical issues and other problems that you might encounter. We know that learning from your home can be a challenge so we will be there to help you and to make you feel supported.

Why choose this course?

The Pre-sessional English (Standard/Higher/Advanced) course is designed to improve students' general English and English for academic purposes. This course route is designed for students who have not met the English language entry requirements for their degree course.

  • it helps you to develop your academic English language and study skills so you can pursue your studies at university, either at undergraduate or postgraduate level
  • it gives you some insight into student life and some cultural and leisure activities
  • if successful on the course you can progress directly onto your chosen degree programme without taking a further IELTS.

If you have not yet achieved the required English language level for entry to your chosen degree course, you can take one or more Pre-sessional English short courses to help you reach the required level.

Your Pre-Sessional English course start date and duration will be determined by your current IELTS score. All Pre-Sessional English courses finish in September before you start your chosen undergraduate or postgraduate degree programme.

Please refer to the tables to see the current course dates

What will I study?

As a student of Pre-Sessional English, you will be taught by well-qualified lecturers with considerable experience in the teaching of English in the UK and overseas. They will take a personal interest in your progress and well-being. The teaching takes place in small groups using modern teaching and learning methods. The courses are intensive and you will be required to do homework and out-of-class assignments. You will also be able to take part in a social programme.

The atmosphere of the course is friendly with small teaching groups. Pre-Sessional English courses are an excellent way to become acclimatised to the British university scene, and to make friends before the beginning of the academic year.

Intended learning outcomes

Knowledge and Understanding

Successful students will typically have knowledge of:

  • a good range of vocabulary common to academic texts
  • how to use grammar and vocabulary to create a range of written and spoken academic discourse
  • how to use texts to increase grammatical and lexical knowledge
  • how to increase reading efficiency
  • strategies to improve listening to spoken input in talks and seminars
  • referencing conventions

Skills and Attributes

Successful students will typically be able to:

  • produce spoken English intelligibly and effectively using a good range of vocabulary
  • demonstrate understanding of spoken academic discourse with a good range of vocabulary
  • apply different reading strategies appropriately to a modest range of texts
  • write notes in a range of styles and from these create summaries and syntheses
  • utilise sources and employ appropriate academic referencing conventions
  • plan and write a modest range of academic essays and reports
  • use a range of library and internet resources effectively

Please note that some of the images and videos on our course pages may have been taken before social distancing rules in the UK came into force.