Special Interest Groups

CIEA Special Interest Groups

CIEA has developed Special Interest Groups to provide an opportunity for members to share good practice and develop expertise across the Membership of the CIEA.

Purpose of the Special Interest Groups

The purpose of SIGs is to provide a forum for CIEA Members to share and develop a wide range of interests in educational assessment wherever such activities take place and further the objectives of the CIEA as described in the CIEA Royal Charter:

The object of the Institute shall be to advance education and training for the public benefit by promoting high standards of assessment (See Section 2 and Section 3 of the Royal Charter for a fuller exposition).

Whilst SIGs have no decision-making rights or authority to represent the collective view of the CIEA, SIGs should be free to reflect Members’ special interests with the clear intention of facilitating discussion across the wider group of CIEA Members, developing and sharing good practice, and informing the Board of Trustees about issues and developments in their field of interest.

Membership of Special Interest Groups

Membership of Special Interest Groups is open to CIEA members (Affiliate, Associate, Member or Fellow members) and they provide a forum for members with a common interest to take an active role in sharing knowledge and expertise and to inform the wider CIEA community of good practice in their field of interest.

Members will be offered the opportunity to join up to three Special Interest Groups when they join or re-new their membership.

Please note this member benefit is not available to student members.

Special Interest Groups

There are currently three SIGs, led by a CIEA trustee and supported by a steering group of CIEA members. The steering group determine the nature of the SIG events or activities and these are publicised to other members of the SIG. The Special Interest Groups currently in operation are as follows:

  • Examiners Special Interest Group
  • SEN Special Interest Group
  • Technical and Vocational Special Interest Group

We welcome suggestions for further groups. Please contact administratorciea@herts.ac.uk