Wai Shan Cheng (Shanice)

Meet Wai Shan Cheng (Shanice) who has gained a wide portfolio of skills since graduating. She is currently a freelance copywriter and entrepreneur.

Current job roleMarketing Director and Entrepreneur
Year of graduation2003
Course of studyBA (Hons) Marketing
Wai Shan Cheng

Path to success

Shanice feels that her degree from the University of Hertfordshire provided her with the key principles of marketing to put her on the path to success in her career. She feels the most useful element of the course was the experience of working with others to complete group projects, a skill she uses daily in her current business.

After graduating, Shanice gained experience as a Marketing Executive in the Neon Light Manufacturing Company. This role enabled her to build on her current skills as well as exposing her to other key skills like customer handling, product management and trade show knowledge. Shanice feels that gaining this direct marketing experience after graduation has been key to both her inspiration as an entrepreneur, and her career achievements. Following this role, she worked for a pay TV channel for eight years assisting with channel promotion and marketing services.


Shanice founded her company, Kiana Handcraft, in early 2015. She had originally started making handmade hair bows and bow ties during her spare time. However, she soon decided  to roll out her products to a wider audience by launching an online shop on Shopify through which she markets and sells her products. Shanice is involved in all aspects of running the company – including monitoring the website, sourcing fabric and materials, accounting, order enquiries and distribution.

In addition to running Kiana Handcraft in her spare time, Shanice joined Panda Group at the start of 2015 as a freelance copywriter. The company offers a full service Brand Design & Marketing Agency. Current clients include Citibank, Disneyland, HSBC, Nielsen, Morgan Stanley and Cathay Pacific. Having proved herself indispensable, Shanice is now their permanent Marketing Director. The role includes seizing new business opportunities, producing cost-effective marketing strategies to clients, and providing detailed costings.

Future goals

In the future Shanice would like to focus on her focus business and work on collaborations: 'I have just started an exciting new collaboration with Kiana Handcraft and the Hong Kong Jockey Club for a crossover promotion with their Swarovski Brooch for Silver Purse Day. My long term goal is to get 5000 likes on Facebook and roll out Kiana Handcraft world-wide.'