Refiguring Mimesis
Representation in early modern literature
Author: Jonathan Holmes, Adrian Streete
Price: £25 (free postage)
“Holmes and Streete offer us a rehabilitation of 'mimesis' — an aesthetic category often oversimplified in the first-wave theorisation of literary studies. What emerges is a critique and a renewal of a key aesthetic concept as well as a complex realisation of its various historical transformations”
About the book
“A collection of 11 critical essays of serious import ... It surprises and delights with fresh readings of Shakespeare ... a book not to be missed” Chronique, Bibliotheque d'Humanisme et Renaissance
“Diverse and provocative” Robert Wilcher, Modern Language Review
The early modern period is characterised by a crisis of representational practice. Fuelled by both the iconoclastic impulses of reformed religion and profound political and economic changes, the literature of the period negotiates an acute cultural engagement with the discourses of representation.
Early modern scholarship has sought to define the early modern subject in relation to a careful historicism as well as to a materialist analysis of cultural production.
ISBN: 978-1-902806-35-8 Format: Paperback, 240pp Published: Feb 2005
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