Kayleigh - Week at a glance
My week at a glance
At the beginning of each week, I write up my lecture PowerPoints ready to take with me to my lectures so I can add notes to it during the lecture. I find that writing up my lectures helps me to take in the information given to us. I tend to do my reading in bits throughout the week to help break it up, but I make sure it’s done before I go to the relevant lecture. I find doing this betters my understanding of the topic that is going to be covered in that lecture!
For each Accounting module, I had an hour lecture and an hour seminar each week! For French, I had a two-hour lectorial, which is a lecture and seminar in one session! I went into university three days of the week for lectures and seminars; I had two days at home!
Towards the end of October, assignments start to get set so you have a lot more work to be doing. I like to start the research for my assignments when they get set. Don’t leave them until the last minute, you’ll do much better when you have time to think about what you’re going to write! Managing your time between assignments and work for your lectures can be difficult but if you make yourself a plan, you’ll be fine!
I lived at university, so I also had to find time to get my weekly food shop. I tended to go on one of my days off in the morning and then in the afternoon, I could get back to my uni work! I would also work for the university on open days and other events as a student ambassador, so I also had to factor that into my schedule. You need to make sure you have some time for yourself so you can wind down, you don’t want to overload yourself! I like to spend a day of the weekend watching Netflix or meeting up with friends!