Archived Articles
2021 Publications
The CIEA's 'Lead Assessor' programme: Since the cancellation of written examinations and other external assessments for GCSE, A Levels and vocational & technical qualifications this year, teachers and lecturers are now required to assess their students’ performance to determine the grades to be awarded this summer. Simon Sharp, chair of the CIEA, shares details of The CIEA's 'Lead Assessor' programme which has been specifically designed to help staff tackle the challenges of the next few months. READ THE FULL ARTICLE.
The future of qualifications and assessment: On 15 February 15, Pearson launched a consultation on the future of qualifications and assessment for the 14-19 phase. The consultation takes a broad view of the context in which qualifications and assessment operate including the conditions and environment in which qualifications work, their purpose and value and issues of trust and equity. Find out further information on the Pearson consultation. View the response site. Dr Mick Walker, Vice-chair of the CIEA has written a blog that encourages members to engage with the consultation and the broader issues arising out of the Covid-19 pandemic. READ THE BLOG.
Why the Ofqual DfE consultation just isn’t asking the right questions: CIEA Fellow Carol Holmes offers her views on the Ofqual/DfE consultation on examinations for summer 2021. READ THE ARTICLE.
IG Schools on demand webinar: '2021 Exams and Assessments: Updates and Insights'. CIEA Vice-Chair Dr Mick Walker considers what the latest changes to plans for the 2021 assessment period mean for pupils and staff alike, and highlights the importance of colleagues across the sector responding to the current government consultation on alternatives to exams this year. FIND OUT MORE
PODCAST: CIEA Vice-Chair Dr Mick Walker features in an extended interview for the Music Teachers' Association podcast, 'Teaching Notes', responding to the recent announcement by the government of the cancellation of summer 2021 exams. Also joining the podcast is new CIEA trustee Steven Berryman and singer songwriter Katie Melua. LISTEN TO THE PODCAST.
'The awarding of qualifications in 2021: it's 12:00am on the 15th April 1912 and we're stood on the decks of the Titanic debating the future of shipping.' CIEA Vice-Chair Dr Mick Walker presents his plan on how we might award qualifications this summer.
Whither England’s Examination and Assessment system: Amidst an ever-changing landscape for schools to contend with, Dr Mick Walker, Vice-Chair of the Chartered Institute of Educational Assessors, shares his thoughts on the impact of COVID-19 on qualifications and assessments and what this means for the future of the education sector. READ THE ARTICLE.
2020 publications
Let's think about 'Rethinking Assessment': Over the past few weeks there has been a number of calls for 'rethinking assessment'. Some of this is generated by concerns over the awarding of qualifications during the Covid-19 pandemic and some relates to a call for more fundamental revision to the assessment system. In this blog, Mick Walker, Vice Chair of the CIEA and Fellow of the Chartered College of Teaching, presents his personal view on the calls for change and the longer-term implications. Whilst welcoming the wider interest in educational assessment, Mick calls for a more nuanced debate about the purpose of schooling and notes that changes to the assessment regime do not automatically result in improvement. READ THE BLOG.
Examinations in 2021: update. Mick Walker, Vice Chair of the CIEA, provides an update on examinations in 2021, looking at the approach taken thus far by the different nations of the UK. READ THE ARTICLE.
It's exam-only assessment that has led us to this mess. If A levels and GCSEs had included an element of coursework or teacher assessment, we would have been in a very different position come results day 2020, says John Dunford. READ Sir John Dunford's article in the TES.
Returning the teacher and the student to the centre of assessment. By Andrew Flory, CIEA Trustee. READ THE ARTICLE.
Grade expectations: summer 2020. As students and teachers nervously anticipate the publication of GCE A level and GCSE results in mid-August, Mick Walker, CIEA Vice Chair, warns that expectations that teachers’ estimated grades will be universally achieved may need tempering. The distinct possibility of further disruption to teaching and examinations in 2021 requires the development of a viable contingency, but also offers the opportunity to re-establish the role of teachers in high stakes assessments and raise their professional status. However, this will require improved professional knowledge of assessment and the establishment of a robust standardised approach to non-examination based assessment. READ THE ARTICLE.
Covid-19 could result in long-term change to educational assessment in the UK, but is the teaching profession up to it? Mick Walker, CIEA Vice Chair, considers the effects the Covid-19 pandemic on the award of qualifications in summer 2020. READ THE ARTICLE.
Covid-19: Homeschooling and what it means for education. CIEA Trustee Dr Joanna Goodman considers the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic on education; the issues schools, students and parents are facing and the potentially far reaching benefits which may result. READ THE ARTICLE.
The future of the exams system: Moving to a more valid and reliable system. Former CIEA Chair, Sir John Dunford, discusses the future of the UK exam system and suggests we use the unique situation we find ourselves in as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic to “develop a better system of examinations that does not rely entirely on end-assessment and which uses high-quality moderated teacher judgements in ways that increase both the validity and reliability of the grades achieved by the students.” READ THE ARTICLE
A look at T Levels. Having worked on developing the content of T Levels in Education and Childcare, CIEA Trustee Dr Joanna Goodman explain these new vocational qualifications. READ THE ARTICLE.
The Future of Education. CIEA Trustee Dr Joanna Goodman contemplates the challenges of 21st century education. READ THE ARTICLE.