Find a job and expand your network

We’ll help you build a better network and kickstart your career.

We know that networking doesn’t come naturally to everyone, but it’s a skill that we can help you improve, and one that will ultimately serve you well. A great network can often be the doorway to an exciting new career or a way to get your own start-up business off the ground.

Maximising our connections to industry and the professions

Our vast links to industry and the professions in the UK and abroad will provide you with many opportunities to meet Herts alumni, entrepreneurs and prospective employers at networking events. We’ll also help you make LinkedIn work harder for you.

Supporting your job search from CV to application to interview

We know how nerve-wracking it is to look for a job, so we’ll help you write polished CVs and applications that will increase your chances of sitting at the top of every shortlist. We also provide access to mock interviews and practice psychometric tests.

If you plan to seek employment to coincide with your studies at Herts or within four years of graduation, you can find loads of on- and off-campus opportunities, jobs fairs and employer fairs on our online network, Handshake.

Assessment Centre Experience (ACE)

Our Assessment Centre Experience (ACE), offers select second year students a realistic and supportive experience of a graduate assessment centre, including a one-to-one interview, group exercise, and interactive skills session. Students receive personalised feedback from employers, staff, alumni and professional assessors, and take away a personalised elevator pitch they can use to support their job search.

Internships, placements and study abroad opportunities

Our extensive network provides a wealth of opportunities to gain professional experience with internships, work placements and opportunities to study abroad with our international partners. In 2021/22 over 5,000 students took part in a placement and 157 were involved in Study Abroad activities.

Set your career on the fast track

Our Fast Track workshops support second year students to secure placements and final year students to secure graduate jobs. Sessions are co-led by employer guests, sharing what recruiters look for, typical processes and timeframes, how to find vacancies, and job search hints and tips.

Peer to peer career support

Our student careers coaches understand the extreme highs and lows of job hunting and just how low you can feel after a setback. They’re here to support you with great advice and ideas that will help you prepare, or get you smiling again on those occasions when things haven’t gone your way.

Job search support for international postgraduate students

The Student Circus website offers international job listings and information for international students looking for work in their home countries after graduation.

We also offer support to international students to find and secure placements, including an online step by step guide, and placement-specific drop-in sessions.