Periodic Review and Validation
All programmes currently offered at the University or any new programme developments must undergo mandatory approval before they can be offered to students as a programme of study. There are two main types of approval process used for all programmes currently offered and all new programme developments at the University, which are:
- Validation - the process of initial approval, development, and consideration for any new programme.
- Periodic review/ Revalidation - the process of re-approval, re-development, and consideration for any existing programme offered at the University or at a partner institute.
The approval process enables the University to assure itself that our programmes are relevant to both the School and potential students, that the curriculum content is appropriate, and the learning, teaching and assessment approaches are contemporary. The process also is an important check and balance that internal and external drivers are being met, including our own strategic policies and regulations, but importantly those also set by the Office for Students, the Quality Assurance Agency including the subject benchmark statements, and any relevant Professional, Statutory or Regulatory Body standards. The Centre for Academic and Quality Assurance (CAQA) manages all validation and periodic review activity at the University liaising closely with Schools and programme teams during the process, and all processes involve both students and external colleagues.