Academic Quality at Herts

The Academic Quality Assurance and Enhancement strategy of the University of Hertfordshire aims to ensure that the student experience is underpinned by effective and robust quality assurance processes, and processes to facilitate the enhancement of that experience. It derives from the University's Strategic Plan which makes explicit the commitment of the institution to excellence in teaching and learning.

The internal quality assurance processes of the University are supported by the Centre for Academic Quality Assurance (CAQA).

The key features of the University's academic quality assurance system can be found here:

The Herts Quality Assurance system (PDF - 0.29 Mb)

Academic Quality policies and procedures are set out in UPR AS17.

Please note that some of the links on the Academic Quality web pages take you to HertsHub, the University of Hertfordshire staff intranet, and these for are only accessible to University staff.

In talking about our Herts processes staff use a  wide range of acronyms and abbreviations. A list of these can be found on HertsHub:

List of acronyms and abbreviations

About the Centre for Academic Quality Assurance

The purpose of the Centre for Academic Quality Assurance (CAQA) is to safeguard the academic standards of the University's taught provision, achieve outstanding academic quality and promote quality enhancement activity to enrich the student learning experience.

Central to this purpose is a commitment to support the development and implementation of effective and robust policies, regulations and practices on quality assurance and enhancement, and to support staff in delivering successful outcomes for all our students.

CAQA works with others across the University, by:

  • Guiding: developing, implementing and monitoring policies, regulations and practices, which satisfy national and international expectations for quality assurance and enhancement in higher education.
  • Supporting: providing expert advice and support in the management of academic standards and quality processes, promoting a culture of quality enhancement.
  • Connecting: engaging with others and facilitating a shared understanding of all matters relating to academic quality assurance and enhancement; contributing to national and international quality assurance agendas.

Each School in the University is supported by a designated Associate Director of Academic Quality Assurance (ADAQA) or the Deputy Director of Academic Quality Assurance (DDAQA). University staff can find the member of the CAQA team working with their School on the CAQA page on the Staff Intranet HertsHub. To get in touch with us, please email the CAQA team

We offer a programme of workshops open to all University staff and specific workshops for Programme Leaders, including a dedicated Programme Leader Development programme. We also provide bespoke sessions for Schools. The programmes for the current academic year can be found here:

CAQA Workshops

Development Opportunities for Programme Leaders

Latest CAQA News