10 August 2021

On Tuesday 10th August GCE A Level and other Level 3 results have been published. The CIEA would like to congratulate students receiving their results today and wish them all the best in their chosen next steps.

We would also like to thank all involved in determining, submitting and awarding grades this summer for their incredibly hard work in what has been another exceptional year.

Headlines from this years’ results can be seen below:


  • Overall outcomes (England, Wales & NI) increased at A* and A-A* (i.e. A and above):
  • A* increased by 4.8 percentage points (pp) from 2020
  • A*-A increased by 6.3pp in 2021 from 2020
  • Pass rates declined slightly by 0.2pp from 2020
  • Female students performed better than male students
  • At A* female students increased by 5.3pp and male students increased by 4.2pp
  • At A*-A female students increased by 7.0pp and male students by 5.4pp
  • A Level maths female students overtook male students for the first time in the number of A* grades achieved – with 29.1% getting an A* compared with 28.5% of male students

Links to further information can be found below:

Joint Council for Qualifications

