News from Heritage Hub
Heritage Hub supports community based history and heritage projects across the region.
Heritage Hub Awards 2019
Celebrating community history in Hertfordshire.
2020 is Hertfordshire's Year of Culture - two Match Funding applicants are already 'preparing to celebrate, share and explore Hertfordshire’s arts, culture and heritage'.
Hertford Archive & Local Studies
HALS planned project includes Celebrating the County's Cultural Connections. In a joint venture with Libraries for Life and Herts Memories, exhibitions, events and a conference are planned acknowledging Hertfordshire's Year of Culture 2020 within the community.
Hertford Quakers
Celebrating 350 years of Quaker presence in Hertford in 2020. This will include a joint venture with HALS to hold an exhibition with many Quaker (the Religious Society of Friends) records held by HALS available to view and an event with a speaker commemorating Quaker history in Hertford.
Hertford Museum
Hertford Museum Roller Racking Project promises to modify and increase archaeology storage space and so preserving the archaeology heritage of East Hertfordshire for everyone.
Dr Janice Turner
University of Hertfordshire