News Update from Fleetville Diaries

St Albans local history
Heritage Hub Match Fund Winner 2016
Fleetville Diaries local history group are forging ahead with a long list of exciting projects. They are currently planning a new information brochure, illustrating the kinds of activities Fleetville are involved in.
New and evolving projects include:
- Camp View Road Right Up My Street project
- Cambridge Road Right Up My Street project
- A Garden Party
- The Mile of Shops
- A J Nicholson Research Project
- Adopted a Grave (that of Friederick Sander)
- Laid to Rest Story Walks (Hatfield Road Cemetery)
- Collection of Fleetville/Camp donated photographs
- Winter Talks Programme
- Guided Walks
- Larks in the Park
- Clarence Park
- Recollections and Audio Interviews
- Summer Excursions
- Fleetville’s Factories and Workshops
- Fleetville Diaries contribution towards the New St Albans’ Museum.
Plans for 2018
One major focus will be to collate all of the data about the former Ballito stocking factory and to extend our knowledge where appropriate, including further recollections (including its social and sports clubs and the former Smallford sports ground). The team also aim to create a definitive article on Fleetville and Camp districts for inclusion on Wikipedia.
See also
Further information regarding Fleetville Diaries and all the above projects can be found on the Fleetville Diaries website.