Daniel Acheampong

How to Make it in the Media Industry

"From a young age, the creativity and concept of the Harry Potter sequels allowed me to channel my passion for filmmaking. I have directed and produced many short documentaries, in particular, 'Is fast food killing Britain's youth?' which gained media attention on 'Get West London', Bedfordshire On Sunday newspaper and the University of Bedfordshire website. I have worked with many talented people such as Paddy McGuinness, Davina McCall, Thierry Henry, Jamie Redknapp, Eddie Kadi and others.

In January 2017 I created TALK 2 DAN to help young people aged 16-25 break into media through motivational events,  career advice, work experience and paid work opportunities.

My aim is to give young people tips and advice to develop their career and key skills to gain opportunities the in media industry."