BPA-SWIP scheme statement

The Philosophy Department has adopted the Good Practice Scheme jointly produced by the British Philosophical Association (BPA) and the Society for Women in Philosophy (SWIP), except for the section of the Scheme on staff-student relationships, which is substituted by the University of Hertfordshire’s own regulations and guidance.

The Philosophy Department is committed to implementing the following recommendations from the BPA-SWIP Good Practice Scheme:

  • Gender bias
  • Conferences and seminar series
  • Sexual harassment
  • Caregivers
  • Research Projects
  • Learned Societies
  • Journal Editors

On staff-student relationships, the Philosophy Department recognises and endorses the University of Hertfordshire’s policies and regulations, in particular: UPR TL02 together with UPR GV12

On staff-staff relationships, the Philosophy Department recognises and endorses the University of Hertfordshire’s policies and regulations, including UPR GV12