
StudyNet is the gateway to your modules, timetable, online library, and the University's online services. It provides a personalised timeline view of your learning activities and is available 24/7 on the web, from any location.

From StudyNet's homepage, you can jump into Canvas, our virtual learning environment (VLE). Canvas provides access to your modules, assessments, lecture recordings, and information about your programme of study.

Canvas is used by students and staff to support all teaching and learning activities and will be the main source of academic information for your studies with us. You can use Canvas to:

  • Access your course materials online
  • Submit your assignments
  • Access grades and feedback
  • Find lecture recordings and notes

Canvas is also home to a range of academic support modules availble to all students such as Library SkillUp, Academic English, Digital skills, and more….

Staff and students can access StudyNet at