The University as a Charity

The University of Hertfordshire is an exempt charity, pursuant to the Charities Act 2011, and is therefore exempt from registration with, and direct regulation by, the Charity Commission. The Office for Students (OfS) is the principal regulator for higher education providers in England that are exempt charities; therefore, the University complies with the OfS’s requirements as set out in the regulatory framework for higher education in England. In addition, as an exempt charity, it also complies with relevant charity law, including the Charities Act 2011 and the Charity Commission’s guidance for charitable trustees regarding their legal duties and responsibilities. The relationship between the OfS and the Charity Commission is governed by a memorandum of understanding that sets out how they work together to regulate English higher education charities that are exempt from regulation by the Charity Commission.

The powers granted to the University are set out in the Instrument of Government and the Articles of Government and include to:

  • provide Higher Education.
  • provide Further Education.
  • carry out research and publish the results of the research.

We also have powers to fund scholarships and to make grants and give prizes.

We engage in an extensive programme of community engagement and activity. For more information see our:

Taken together these powers and activities clearly demonstrate the University's public purpose and role in society.

The Board of Governors acting collectively performs the role of trustee.

Members of the Board of Governors hold a number of other trusteeships (DOC - 0.04 Mb)

The correspondence address of the University is:

University of Hertfordshire
AL10 9AB